Teller Report

Nazarbayev: very serious political changes occurred in Kazakhstan

4/9/2019, 1:57:28 PM

Former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that very serious political changes had taken place in the country.

“There have been very serious political changes in Kazakhstan. We showed the world that we are acting within the framework of the Constitution, ensuring a calm and peaceful transit of power. This event has become a landmark for everyone, ” quoted Nazarbayev as saying.

He noted that at the present time - “the main thing is the immutability of the foreign policy that was worked out earlier.

“First of all, one should pay attention to relations with the closest neighbors. They should remain confidential, ”Nazarbayev said.

Earlier, the President of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, said that the early elections of the head of the republic will be held on June 9.