Teller Report

Named regions - the leaders of Russia on attendance of theaters

4/20/2019, 10:03:36 AM

Rosstat published data on the number of theater visitors in different regions of the country in 2017. I got acquainted with the relevant statistics RT.

By the end of 2017, St. Petersburg became the leader in terms of the number of visitors to theaters in 2017. There were 800 visitors per thousand population.

In second place is Moscow (655 visitors per thousand population). Next come Sevastopol (406), Mari El (395) and the Novosibirsk Region (351).

Least of all visitors to theaters were recorded in the Altai Republic (76 visitors) and Karachay-Cherkessia (87 visitors).

Also among the regions where a small number of citizens visit theaters are the Jewish Autonomous Region (88), the Stavropol Territory (93), the Krasnodar Territory (95) and the Republic of Adygea (114).

In the whole country, the level of attendance at theaters is 269 people per thousand population. Since 2005, this figure has increased by almost 1.5 times.

Previously, the regions were named - leaders in attendance of museums.