Teller Report

My ambition is to cry as Bismarck cried

2/16/2019, 10:09:19 PM

"Bismarck has a mood that lives but rest kills him." Kaiser To mention the history of Germany, we can only remember Adolf Hitler, the brutal Nazi leader and the crimes he committed against humanity, thereby robbing the spotlight of a great charismatic German figure who had been abandoned by the tongues and quarreled with her

«Bismarck has a mood that lives but rest kills»

A. Keizer Ling

When we mention the history of Germany, we can only remember Adolf Hitler, the brutal Nazi leader and the crimes he committed against humanity, and thus robbed the spotlight of a great charismatic German figure who had been torn apart by history, Otto von Bismarck, or, as the Germans know today The founder of modern Germany.

The Kingdom of Prussia (formerly Germany) was divided into more than thirty-two states, because of the great losses it suffered from the Napoleonic wars. Its people lived in diasporas united by a weak union controlled by the Kingdom of Austria. This was a great blow to the proud Prussian people. So long as this great nation would rise to achieve the long-awaited German national unity of 1871, the Prussian Kingdom in the ranks of the Great Powers, but how did Bismarck do it?

Bismarck made Germany but did not rule it, his public speeches were not very influential in his listeners, and Martin Luther King's speeches stirred the hearts of the masses. Bismarck did not establish any party, but exercised power from his own power. The Conservative Party, the Liberal Nationalist Party, the Catholic Center Party) hated him, Bismarck had no military record. The Prussian queen and the royal family were obsessed with Bismarck, and Bismarck lacked the support of the Prussian people. With all these obstacles and turns, To France and Austria, achieving unity Prussian, and inclusive diaspora thirty-two mini-state under one banner, to remind him of history as the man who united Germany.

After accomplishing all these achievements, Bismarck entered his office and locked himself in the door. Then he sat on his chair and hit the table with all his might with his fist. "I defeated them all, all of them."

Bismarck, when he was a young man who liked to share with his American colleagues during his Independence Day celebration while he was studying at the University of Göttingen and drinking with them the freedom elites, but one of them was talking about the division of Germany, Bismarck insisted on twenty-five champagne bottles that German unity would be achieved in twenty-five years , Who loses the bet beyond the sea to drink with others, and he did not make mistakes in only thirteen years of counting, and how not to cry joy and was the one who achieved this German unity ?!

"Happiness and misery are two brothers," Nietzsche says. "Either they grow up together or stay little for life."

So set the ceiling of your ambition high, and make your ambition to cry with joy as Bismarck cried.


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