Teller Report

Municipal in Paris: Hidalgo cleavant, but in the lead, according to a survey

3/31/2019, 8:47:27 PM

Parisians are divided about their mayor (PS) Anne Hidalgo, one in two having a negative judgment on its action. But the socialist ahead ahead in four out of six competitors in the race for municipal Paris, according to an Elabe * poll Sunday for Le Figaro .

Hidalgo in front of Dati and Griveaux. Although she is the best-known personality among the candidates tested (97% of notoriety), Anne Hidalgo is not unanimous: 47% of Parisians consider she is a good mayor, against 50% of an opinion opposite. In second place, the candidate of the Republican group, Rachida Dati, has a very strong reputation (94%) and would be a good mayor for 34% of respondents. The former Minister of Justice Sarkozy, who gave up a few weeks ago to represent the European, ahead of this Benjamin Griveaux (32%), Cédric Villani (27%) and Mounir Mahjoubi (21%), all three candidates for nomination for LREM.

Concerning the voting intentions, there are tight gaps between the lists conducted by Anne Hidalgo, Rachida Dati, Benjamin Griveaux or Cédric Villani. The outgoing mayor is not, however, in the lead of voting intentions in two cases: face to Mounir Mahjoubi, if Rachida Dati is the right-wing candidate, and face Benjamin Griveaux if the mayor LR of the fifth district, Florence Berthout, is the candidate of the right.

Cleanliness and accommodation, two major topics. Finally, for almost one Parisian out of two cleanliness and maintenance of the city (49%) is a priority subject, followed by housing (41%), safety (40%), the fight against pollution ( 38%) and public transit (33%), according to the study that proposed several themes including traffic (19%), local taxation (20%), cultural life or parking (7%).

At one year of municipal elections, the candidatures multiply: on the right (Jean-Pierre Lecoq and Rachida Dati), at LREM (with supposed or affirmed candidates like Anne Lebreton, Hugues Renson, Cédric Villani, Mounir Mahjoubi and Benjamin Griveaux), at the Communists (Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldj), while at EELV a primary will have to decide between the leader of the Greens on the Paris Council, David Belliard, the spokesman of the party, Julien Bayou.

* The Elabe survey was conducted online from 28 to 31 March, after the last applications, from a sample of 999 people, representative of Paris residents, according to the quota method.