Teller Report

More than 5.000 "yellow vests" in Bordeaux

1/12/2019, 4:57:41 PM

The mobilization was once again strong in Bordeaux. About ten people were arrested at the beginning of the event. & Nbsp;

More than 5.000 "yellow vests" demonstrated Saturday in Bordeaux, according to the prefecture, a slightly higher mobilization than last Saturday which again dedicates the capital of New Aquitaine as one of the strongholds of the movement in France. A dozen arrests were made at the beginning of the event, AFP journalists said.

Behind a large banner proclaiming "United, the change is possible", protesters from Bordeaux and its agglomeration, Gironde and neighboring departments, have traveled quietly the arteries of the Gironde capital, a time preceded by dozens of bikers "yellow vests", found the AFP. They were 4,600 last Saturday, according to official figures.

>> LIVE - Follow act 9 of the "yellow vests" with us

Several hundred gendarmes and police mobilized. Several hundred gendarmes and police were mobilized while the city was overflown, as every Saturday, by a helicopter of the gendarmerie. Place Pey-Berland in the heart of town, where the town hall is located and which was often the scene of overflowing, had been cordoned off by the police, equipped with armored and water cannons.

Like every Saturday, the demonstration had not been declared, according to the prefecture. French agglomeration, which has experienced a strong demographic explosion in recent years, Bordeaux saw its property prices soar, pushing the middle classes in the suburbs, often still underserved, generating a strong popular discontent that contributes to fueling the anger of "vests yellow. "

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