Teller Report

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has not recorded serious irregularities in the elections

3/31/2019, 6:50:33 PM

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine did not record serious irregularities during the voting in the presidential elections on March 31. This was stated by the deputy head of the department Sergey Yarovoy.

According to him, the units of the ministry ensured the rule of law in the elections and continue their work after the closure of the polling stations.

“There were no serious violations,” his words are quoted on the Facebook of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

As noted by Yarovaya, a total of 1927 reports and allegations of violations of electoral legislation were recorded.

Earlier, the CEC of Ukraine also stressed that by 4:30 pm Moscow time, no systemic violations had been recorded during the voting.

It also became known that Ukrainian diplomats in Minsk did not allow journalists from the Russian media accredited in Belarus to the polling station.