Teller Report

Medvedev urged to finish with space projector

1/23/2019, 11:42:57 AM

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during the meeting on the development of "Roskosmos" urged to end with the "projecting" in the rocket and space industry.

“This is striking, we need to finish with projecting, stop talking about where we will fly in the 30th year, we must work, talk less and do more, actively engage in the commercialization of our space industry and increase Russia's share in the international market” RIA Novosti quotes premiere.

As Medvedev stressed, the development of this sphere is a matter of the country's defense.

“Today, leadership in the rocket and space industry is certainly of strategic importance. This is a question of defense, national security and no less a question of the development of new technologies, ”he noted.

He pointed out that "space has always created such technologies, and those innovations that were created earlier and are being created now for space, change the everyday lives of people."

“This applies to the entire spectrum of achievements, from telecommunications to new materials,” he added.

Earlier, the source said that Roskosmos intends to form a detachment of female cosmonauts for flights into orbit.

In early November 2018, the head of the corporation, Dmitry Rogozin, said that Russia intends to study the moon with the help of robot avatars.

As stated by Rogozin, Roskosmos will adopt a new development strategy in 2019, which is aimed at the return of leadership in space to Russia.