Teller Report

Medinsky answered Shnurov's words about the Ministry of Culture

3/23/2019, 2:11:27 PM

Vladimir Medinsky, the Minister of Culture of Russia, commented on the statement of the leader of the Leningrad music group Sergey Shnurov that there is no Ministry of Culture in “normal countries”.

“The Ministry of Culture is everywhere ... It is more difficult to find a country where there is no Ministry of Culture, a department of culture, than a country where they are. I think that the ministers of culture of France, Italy, Turkey, China would be very surprised if they heard that there are none, ”said Medina in a conversation with Sofiko Shevardnadze within the framework of the project“ Just About the Difficult ”.

The minister added that "Cords do not understand what he says."

Earlier, Channel Five reported that Shnurov was in favor of the abolition of the Ministry of Culture.