Teller Report

Maxime, 36, lost 27 pounds in one year: "I did not go on a diet, but a food rebalance"

4/19/2019, 4:30:57 PM

Maxime, mother, has a complicated relationship with his body since adolescence, when he was advised to go on a diet because his body was different from that of others. In one year, thanks to a "food rebalancing", she lost 27 kilos and still wants to lose weight. She tells her story at Olivier Delacroix's microphone.

Maxime, mother, has a complicated relationship with his body since adolescence, when he was advised to go on a diet because his body was different from that of others. In one year, thanks to a "rebalancing food", she lost 27 pounds and still wants to lose weight. She tells her story at Olivier Delacroix's microphone.


Maxime is now 36 years old and weighs 27 kilos less than a year ago, when she decided to lose weight so that her children would not be mocked for the weight of their mother in the schoolyard . A difficult choice, which has imposed deprivations and that has questioned his relationship to the body, disturbed since adolescence and the first regimes advised by the medical profession. This is what she tells the microphone Europe 1 Olivier Delacroix Friday.

"It was a doctor, the pediatrician who was following me at the time, who advised me to go on a diet.When you are told that your child is out of the ordinary, you react and so I went to see a dietician. So I started my first diet at the age of 12.

When you are in the early teens and the body is forming, it necessarily has a negative impact. The experience that I had was very negative on the appearance and the impression that I had of my body. From that moment, I began to realize that my body was not like the others. I started to complex on two, three kilos in excess, which is nothing.

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I entered an infernal spiral: with the first diet, you lose weight so you get back the double. You grow, you evolve and little by little you try all the regimes of the Earth because you are told that you are not in the norm and therefore you believe it. Yet today, when I look at pictures of me at the time, I feel good.

Being younger, I already had the obsession to want to be fine like everyone else, like the others. There were other circumstances that made me gain weight: I had two children and I had thyroid problems, among other things. A year ago, I found myself in obesity. "

Last year, Maxime wanted to lose weight so that his children do not get teased about the weight of their mother.

"I was followed by a nutrition coach who practices micro-nutrition, she was able to talk to me right away and told me that I was not going to diet but a food rebalancing, that I was going to be followed by the medical staff, with analyzes, she still follows me daily for mental coaching, what I can eat and what I have to adapt, it allowed me to lose 27 kilos.

It would be a lie to say that I did not deprive myself. From the moment I integrated the idea that I was not doing a diet but a rebalancing food, psychologically it was better. I am deprived, yes, because I no longer eat starchy food, more sugars, more alcohol, anything that can make you fat. But beside that, I managed to find parades that allow me to please me. Yes, I deprived myself, but I did not experience it as badly as I thought. At first, the first times were complicated but it's much better today.

I have not arrived at the weight that suits me, I still have the weight to lose. Above all, I have to do a lot of work on myself and accept that I will never be like the diktats of the fashion and all the commercials, that it is not that, the reality. It's been 20 years since I hear the opposite, it's another problem.

There are clothes that you like and that you can not wear when you are round. There are the 'what will we say', the eyes of others, what we see on television and the reality of life that is not necessarily the same. You have trouble storing it and so you feel rejected. "

The opinion of the specialist

Dr. GĂ©rard Apfeldorfer, psychiatrist, author of Lose, is in the head (Ed Odile Jacob)

Weight is something essential. The testimony of Maxime is enlightening: there is a social diktat on the way our body should be, especially for women. You have to eat in an intuitive way: eat naturally as people who do not have any food problems eat, they listen to their hunger, they pay attention to what they eat, they feel the sensation of satiation ... In terms of food choices, they choose the foods they prefer.

Overweight people who have lost weight are called "slim obese" by psychologists: these people have lost weight but have not incorporated this weight loss into their behavior and thinking. They will behave as if they were still fat.

For people who have been overweight during their childhood and adolescence, when they lose weight in early adulthood, they missed a few steps, such as seduction. It's also one of the reasons why people gain weight. They will be a little lost.