Teller Report

Marseille: "intimidation" fire at the Kalashnikov in the afternoon

3/24/2019, 6:23:28 PM

On Sunday, men appeared in two cars in the neighborhood of La Bricarde, in the 15th district of the city, and fired.

On Sunday, men appeared in two cars in the neighborhood of La Bricarde, in the 15th district of the city, and fired.

A popular neighborhood in Marseille was the scene of kalachnikov shooting Sunday afternoon, probably "bullets" that did not cause injuries, according to the police.

"Neither hurt nor impact". Men appeared in two cars in the neighborhood of La Bricarde, in the 15th district of the city, around 13:30 Sunday, and fired, according to a police source, confirming information from Provence . "There were no injuries or impacts, but we found kalashnikov bushings," the source added. "It was very fast, the authors fled and in the neighborhood nobody speaks," she said. The judicial police have been seized of the investigation.

Ascension Monday, May 2018, a commando armed with a dozen men had burst in another city of the same district of Marseille, the Busserine, in the late afternoon while children were playing outside . The scene, very violent, had been filmed by witnesses and broadcast on social networks. The video showed black-hooded hooded assailants armed with handguns and Kalashnikovs, firing into the air, then hitting a witness with a butt kick, and shouting at police during their escape. The trail of intimidation between two networks was favored by the investigators.