Teller Report

Macaron launches national dialogue to counter the wrath of "yellow jackets"

1/15/2019, 10:04:37 PM

French President Emmanuel Macaron launched a national dialogue yesterday, which he vowed to do in response to the protests of the "yellow jackets." In reference to the movement's large rural base, Macaron launched the dialogue during a meeting with regional mayors in the village of Gran Bertrandol, Normandy.

French President Emmanuel Macaron launched a national dialogue yesterday, a pledge he made in response to protests by the owners of the "yellow jackets."

In reference to the large rural base of the movement, Macaron launched the dialogue during a meeting with regional mayors, in the village of Gran Portolund, Normandy.

In a six-page speech, Macaron asked the French people to express their views on taxes, spending and public services, how to change more environmentally friendly policies, and the French democracy system.

The dialogue was announced last December, along with a package of taxes and salaries aimed primarily at helping low-wage workers and pensioners, but these measures appear to have only limited impact so far.

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets Saturday for the ninth consecutive day.

The demonstrators raised the ceiling of their demands and sometimes to the departure of President Macaron.