Teller Report

Lee, Soo-jung "Pearl fire and murder, An In-ear, edited by Cho Hyun-sick"

4/19/2019, 4:25:41 AM

[SBS Kim Sung-joon's current affairs observatory] Interviews are copyrighted on SBS Radio. When publishing a special publication or interview, please identify the channel name and the exact program name as shown below. 04% of the time. If you knew that the police and An In-ine came from the medical clinic, you would have paid more attention to it. ▷ Kim Sung-joon / Host: The disastrous incident in Gaji-dong, Jinju, on the 17th, Five people were killed and 13 others injured when they fired their weapons indiscriminately against their neighbors who were evacuated.

[SBS Kim Sung-joon's current affairs observatory]

The copyright of the interview material is on SBS Radio. When publishing a special publication or interview, please identify the channel name and the exact program name as shown below.

■ Broadcast: Kim Sung-joon's current affairs observatory (FM 103.5 MHz 14:20 ~ 16:00)
■ Progress: SBS Kim Sungjun anchor
■ Broadcast date and time: Thursday, April 18, 2019
■ Talk: Professor, Soo Jung Lee, Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University


- Edited by Cho Hyun-sick, one of the biggest symptoms is'
- An In-win, I have a kind of thinking disorder
- Only 0.04% of the victims of severe crime
- Patient with chronic illness, mental in the morning ... Possible planned crime
- Police, I would have been more concerned if I knew that An In-In was from a caretaker.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Five people were killed and 13 injured when a forty-two-year-old man in an apartment in a ghost town in Gajwa-dong, Gyeongnam Province on March 17 indiscriminately murdered his neighbor's evacuated apartment after his apartment had been lit. The suspect, An In-jin, was arrested. An, who showed up in front of the police station yesterday (18th), insisted, "I was also disadvantaged." What the hell is this story about? On Tuesday I see it in the corner <I want to hear it>. Soo Jung Lee Professor of Crime Psychology, Kyonggi University We will talk to you over the phone. Professor, how are you?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Yes, hello?

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

As I told you before, the reporter said that he said "I was disadvantaged." So far, when I go to the police station to get a warrant, I often say "sorry," and I often talk about victims who commit this crime, but suddenly, "I was disadvantaged."

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

You think you have a disadvantage. Of course, it is not proven whether there is objectively disadvantaged or not, but this person seems to be an editable disease. One of the biggest symptoms of sexually transmitted disease is paranoia. That's why I have a sort of thinking disorder that I think is based on my own experiences and discriminatory experiences in the past that I have suffered so many times. So, this is the act of harming the neighbors to this person, I think that I just believe in convenience and subjectively in this way. But objectively, I did a very bad harassment. The person who killed a 12-year-old child is himself a victim. The fact that he claims to be a victim is a difficult thing to do as a reasonable person, and as a result, it is caused by irrational damage delusion. .

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

As I said before, I can not help but concentrate on the mental state of Lee's mind. I have talked about the relationship between Cho's disease and crime several times in the corner <I want to hear it> You said that it is not such a thing.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Yes, it is. In fact, I've only seen about 0.01% to 0.04% of people with severe illness among the powerful offenders. There are about one out of every 100 people in the general public, and that's about 1%. That's why I can not meet the requirement to commit a violent crime, it would be better to say this.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

If the patient is a rather powerful crime, the rate of ever provoking a statistically violent crime is generally low.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

It is remarkably low. However, the problem is that the majority of patients with chronic disease are actually very difficult, but there are cases in which very few of them are repeatedly doing harm to others.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Does that have anything to do with the Editing Chow Hyun Sick that you just mentioned?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Yes. Editing In the case of Cho Hyun-sick, there is a great deal of retribution psychology that people suffer from delusional delusions, so I will show them a day or two. In case of this case, I got two swords beforehand. It is a fact that you have to judge such a thing, but in fact, if you are in this condition, it is a very small number in total, but most of these people are indiscriminately rebellious I do not ask you to smile at the smell, indiscriminate crime is sometimes involved in cases.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

However, because of the delusion, as Akana said, 'I was also disadvantaged', this expression is probably the result of the delusional delusion of one of the symptoms of edited sexually transmitted disease As I said before, it was a criminal offense. As I said before, I prepared two swords, I made calculations for the fire, I waited for the passage of the evacuating people, and I hurt them, and the aged mostly attacked me, and this seems like a very calculated crime. ?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

That's right. In the end, you have to look at the contents of the crime and take responsibility. It is not enough for 24 hours to have a benign symptom, and even if there is a benign disease, there is not enough condition to carve responsibility. Therefore, even when the patient is in good condition, especially in the morning when the spirit is clear. In fact, there are times when you can do any kind of general planning action. That's why I usually plan to hurt others at such times, buy gasoline, carry a weapon that is not a regular kitchen and carry it on my body, and eventually I will harm myself, I guess I was chasing after girl girls. If you are stalking these girls with toxic obsession, you should have foreseen that this is a very dangerous prognosis. But the problem is that I have actually filed a report with the police several times. CCTV also has a number of times, even riding the Xavier. But it is unfortunate that the police did not prognosticate such signs in advance.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

My mother and family have taken care of the food now and I have heard it often, but I did not know that it was so serious about my family. Is there a possibility that you do not know the seriousness of the situation while you live or watch so often?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Yes. Sometimes, when you are at home, you are usually allowed to visit, so if you do not live with your family, you may not know exactly how bad your symptoms are.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

In general, a patient with an epidemic can not be defined as a potential criminal.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Absolutely not.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

As I mentioned before, the ratio of violent offenders among the patients is very much lower than that of the patients who are suffering from the crime. I am hoping that the police will take care of this, but how to distinguish this I do not know how to manage it.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

So in our country, there is a violent crime section that originally received a mental appraisal from the Princess Treatment Detention Center in 2010. So when I was involved in such minor violence, it was actually a diagnosis of this person, at that time. Well, the story is that the Justice Department has a criminal record and psychiatric history because of the probation. But the problem is that you do not share the information with the police, and if you had shared it, you've called them many times that the complaints of the residents are happening all the time. Even if I knew that the subject was from the Princess Therapy Clinic, the police would have been more concerned.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

But what is the reason why you do not have to share it with the police after you have done such a careful job at the police detention center?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

There is no reason to share in the current law. There is a police superintendent management system, which means that this person is not involved in the crime. I do not think that's the only thing in the police department that's the troublemaker in the neighborhood.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Then, Professor Lim Sewon, a psychiatric specialist, was killed by a mentally ill patient, and the amendment to the Mental Health Welfare Law was passed. Does this law include the same measures you have just mentioned?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

It is not included enough. I am still not free from this criticism because I am diagnosed as a psychiatrist and believe in the part of diagnosis and diagnosis that I am too generous to secure more patients. I can not let him be hospitalized against his will. But these people disappear in the community. This time, I had no idea that this person was causing trouble at the mental health center in Jinju. Information is not migrant.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

In this case, you can not fill in an electronic brace.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

Of course not. Because it is human rights infringement. Therefore, in foreign countries, there is a 'mental health court' to force treatment. You did something trivial, like throwing dirt. In case of throwing dirt, our country is not a criminal because it is a criminal. But in the case of foreign countries, do you risk such a risk in your community indiscriminately? Then he will immediately send him to the mental health court and force him to be sentenced in court. Then why are you forced to do different treatments, human rights violations, the disappearance of this controversy, the crime in the community, the crime, and the courts are in the court. If the court orders the healing order, and he does not follow the orders of the court, it is a criminal itself. It can be very strong.

And he can provide treatment to patients who do not admit that he is sick. That's why there is no such thing in mental health law now. For example, if you have a private court and you have a minor case, a preliminary case, so you can stalk, litter, It is the only alternative when I see the treatment order, but there is nothing in the current revised mental health law.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

I do not know if the case is similar, but I have even pointed out that the National Human Rights Commission has violated human rights and privacy rights in the revised law. Is this the opposite of your opinion?

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

However, it is the duty of the state that it is not only human rights violation, and it does not have to treat people who need treatment then?

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

It is also a matter of human rights to ensure that those in need of treatment receive appropriate treatment.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

right. For now, let's say we are the suspects of this case. This person does not have to live in prison if they have taken the medication, even to the party. However, I do not know what the reason for claiming that the system is human rights protection after neglecting the treatment.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Okay. I do not want to change the law at this time, but I need a more specific social discussion.

▶ Lee Soo-jung / Professor of Criminal Psychology, Kyonggi University:

That's right.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Okay. I'll listen to you here. thank you. So far I have talked with Professor of Crime Psychology at Soojungjeong University.

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