Teller Report

Lavrov appreciated the statement on the production after the "Himataki" in the SAR

2/16/2019, 6:24:33 PM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on a statement by BBC producer in Syria Riam Dalati, who previously said that the shooting of the scene in the hospital after the “chemical attack” in the Syrian Duma was staged.

It is reported RIA Novosti.

“I think the West understood all this perfectly from the very beginning, because some Western countries organized these provocations, including through the notorious“ White Helmets ”- a humanitarian organization headed by a former MI-6 employee,” said the Minister .

He made the corresponding statement during a speech at an event at the Munich Security Conference.

At the same time, Lavrov added that even those Western countries that did not take part in this provocation in Syria understood the “absurdity of those accusations”

“It is gratifying that there are honest journalists on Earth,” he concluded.

Earlier, Dalati said that the shooting of the scene in the hospital after the “chemical attack” in the Syrian Duma was staged.

At the same time, he added that the attack was alleged, but sarin was not used.

On April 20, 2018, a Syrian boy, Hassan Diab, who was presented in the White Helmets production video as a victim of a chemical attack in the city of Duma, told RT the details of the shooting.