Teller Report

Kurtz before the visit to the United States announced good contacts of Austria with Russia

2/17/2019, 2:42:33 PM

Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, in an interview with Die Presse, said that Vienna and Moscow had traditionally good contacts, and his country was interested in good relations with the West and with the East.

“Austria, as a small but strong export country, is interested in good relations with the West and the East. We traditionally have good contacts with Russia, ”he said on the eve of his visit to Washington.

According to Kurtz, the United States recently paid little attention to Austria, but now they are for this European country the second most important economic partner after Germany.

In addition, the Austrian Chancellor said that "the President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, and the United States is the greatest superpower."

Earlier, Kurtz said that on February 20 he will meet with the American leader Donald Trump at the White House.