Teller Report

Kosovo expanded duties on goods from Serbia

12/28/2018, 12:27:33 PM

The unrecognized state of Kosovo has expanded 100% duty on all goods coming from Serbia.

This is reported by Gazeta Express.

It is noted that the decision was made at the last meeting of the government.

According to the available data, now 100% duty is applied to all goods coming from the territory of Serbia, including non-Serbian production.

The unrecognized state of Kosovo has recently implemented a series of provocative steps against Serbia, in particular, it decided to create its own army and imposed duties in the amount of 100% on Serbian goods.

Vucic stated in this connection that the United States, Great Britain and Germany are behind the formation of the army of Kosovo, and the purpose of the duties is to permanently expel the Serb people from Kosovo and Metohija.