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Killing with the blessing of the priesthood .. How did the clerics turn into a tool of murder and tyranny?

2/21/2019, 4:24:36 PM

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"When religious scholars defended government policies during the 1960s and 1970s in Egypt they were seen as puppets driven by the ruling regime"

(Scott Hippard)

On July 7, 2011, a few months after the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, the site of Sheikh Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti "Nasim al-Sham" raised a question for the Sheikh seeking refuge in the shaykh as the most prominent legal and intellectual figure in the Levant. The text of the question: "To Sheikh Mohammed Saeed Ramadan Al-Bouti .. You are our sheikhs, who put you to prove the word of truth, so they punished us. May God reward you. What is the ruling on those who are forced to unite other than Allah and that by security? My friends have been beaten with sticks and pants on their heads because they asked him: Is not your Lord Bashar?

He did not have to lose what he got. Are not you now responsible for these cases, are not you carrying the order of our nation? Are not you the one who must eliminate the corruption that has spread and reached the divinity, what should we wait for? Oftna in our elders and our world virtuous and thank you very much "

Al-Bu'ti said: "Why do you ask me about the result, and do not ask me why?" Why is this person being pursued and forced to utter the word kufr that he mentions? Why do not you ask me about this reason and his rule ?! Why insist on violating the command of Allah and the order of the Messenger of Allah, and then rant by asking about the rule of Islam in the right result Which arose out of this violation ?! They responded to the order of the Messenger of Allah who said in The right of such sedition to you, especially yourself, and then see whether you will find those who pursue you to your homes and make you speak this infidelity? "[1].

Mohammed Said Ramadan Albouti President of the Union of Scholars of the Levant previously

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This fatwa was not anomalous amidst the rise of the "sultans" who spread during the Arab Spring. Although al-Bouti did not receive an official position, such as the one received by Gomaa when he held the official advisory position in Egypt,

Al - Bouti .. The Royal Faqih in the modern state

"The inner soles of our late leader were good, and Mr. Bashar al-Assad: All this is on this day to you, by the will of God first, and then by a pure and honest allegiance to the impurities of this people. Secondly, the artificially cooked democracies can not tolerate it. You can cover something of it in a way! "

(Mohammed Said al-Bouti in the funeral of Hafez al-Asad)

Muhammad Said Ramadan al-Bouti, one of the most famous scholars of Syria, was widely popular among the people of Syria. His house on the Syrian street is equal to that of Sheikh Mohamed Metwally Al-Sharaoui in Egypt. He left more than sixty Islamic authors in the sciences of Shari'a, literature, Sufism, philosophy, Civilization, despite being a legal and intellectual stature in the Levant, and did not hold any official position as well, it will be the first legitimate proponent of the Syrian regime.

Hafez al-Assad opened the doors of the closed doors to others, and devoted to television programs, he was able to lead and win favor. Although he was a hardworking jurist in the introduction of the four doctrines, he would appear to be a hypocrite, seeking measurements that fit the mantle of political power. Throughout his scientific and practical career, he did not dare oppose political power once.

"It is a reflection of the Baathist mentality that is the surrender to political power and the lack of audacity to hold accountable its actions," says Moataz al-Khatib. "He consistently recognizes that power orders can not be paid, so he speaks only to people and questions their actions that only accept conditioning. He signs it in several contradictions because of the change in positions of power by several factors which he finds compelled to fluctuate with. "[2]

While thousands were thrown into prisons or huts under the rule of the most modern regimes of Arab tyranny, he was allowed to enter the head of state Hafez al-Assad without permission, before his son, Bashar al-Assad, changed his role in the state.

Picture of al-Bouti with Bashar al-Assad (networking sites)

Fatwa of the Bouti in the color of the Assad regime

"It will be after the princes, who entered them Vzdkhm lying and helped them to injustice, it is not from me and not from him, and not to come to the basin, and did not enter them and did not mean their injustice and did not believe their lies is me and I from him,


For example, in his book "Every Girl Believes in God", he concluded: "The consensus among all imams is that a woman must cover her face when she is afraid of sedition. , And who can claim that sedition is safe today ?! "

But after the Syrian regime decided to block the veil in official institutions, al-Bouti wrote an article in the daily Al-Hayat, in which he talked about the priority, and that women should "affect the usefulness of their job." Al-Bouti did not merely contradict the opinion he had previously set out in his book to please the authorities, but goes further by saying: Holding her in this case with her niqab is one of the chances of the soul!

When demonstrations broke out in Syria, al-Bouti described the foreign conspiracy. [5] The official television channel reported to meet with al-Bouti intensively on the eve of the demonstrations through a tape that appeared on the screen, reading: "Look forward to the word Dr. Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti."

Al-Bouti appeared on Thursday, March 24, 2011, before the increasingly intense Friday demonstrations. He spoke of "foreign hands" messing around the country, humiliating the demonstrators and asking them: "Who are you?" On the following day, March 25, 2011, al-Qaradawi appeared from Doha to criticize the position of al-Bouti and the Syrian regime through the Friday sermon. [6] A few days after the supplication of al-Bouti to Bashar on the pulpit in Damascus, al-Bouti was killed inside his mosque in the stronghold of the regime, where evidence indicates that the regime, which is the one who disposes of it after its role ended.

A beard in the background of the coup

"Muhanna said: I asked Ahmad bin Hanbal about Ibrahim ibn al-Harawi said: A man of dirt, I said what you say is dirt, he said: who follows the governors and judges is dirty"

(The legal ethics of Ibn Mufleh)

Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayeb, Pope of the Church Tawadros, Jalal time, representative of the Nur Salafist Party, three in the background of the official scene of the military coup on July 3, 2013. The religious dimension appears to be a major component of the coup scene.

When he was asked about the reason for his coup against the Muslim Brotherhood, he replied that if the Muslim Brotherhood managed, they would destroy the Islamic work, because their nature does not allow others to work with them, and proved his call. Saying: "Brotherhood threw me outside the mosque, I will not forget them!" [8]

Later, the scene accelerated, and issued fatwas in turn declaring her support for Abdul Fattah al-Sisi arresting his political opponents. The former Grand Mufti of the republic Sheikh Ali Jumaa said to the army leaders led by Abdul Fattah al-Sisi Muftia that the opponents of the army and the police from the Kharijis addressed to them: "Blessed is the one who killed them and killed him," and described them as "bastards!

Just a year earlier, Ali Juma'a was speaking at the annual Muslim Brotherhood Breakfast, calling for unity among the sects of the one nation. [9] In return for the post-coup scene, Juma went on to give a series of lectures on his program "God knows" on the channel "CBC" warning of the thought of the Kharij brothers and they cause all the misery of a solution to the Egyptians.

Read the contradictions fatwas of blood

"Did religion corrupt only the kings and the trespasses of ill and monks"

(Abdullah bin Mubarak)

Fataawa al-Bouti and Juma'a did not stand here, but rather went to adapt fatwas according to what the political authority desired, despite its contradictions. The demonstrations that were forbidden during the time of Mubarak, became permissible in the time of Morsi, and then returned to the sanctity of the era of Sisi, which expressed by accusing the opponents of the Sisi Kharij, said: "Whoever killed them is the first God of them" [10].

In the same context, the professor of comparative jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University Saad al-Din al-Hilali, who was suspended when the Criminal Court sentenced to death 529 accused of killing a police officer: "Congratulations to this judge has relaxed his conscience," and despite the characteristic of the speech Hilali of liquidity jurisprudence, What is happening is that he calls and repeats the call in his programs to freedom of choice of jurisprudence, no matter how abnormal or abandoned. But al-Hilali will appear very fierce with his political opponents. Al-Hilali justified the judge's ruling by saying: "Most of the jurists say that the group kills one by one," contrary to his repeated call to take the simplest of jurisprudence.

Mu'taz al-Khatib said: "Hilali denies the state that it has a religious function, although it has made the ministers of defense and interior a religious function as the function of the messengers, and most important of all is that his summoning of the faith occurred on two sides. And the second: that the ruling of the judge in Islamic jurisprudence is enforceable and does not invalidate nor appeal, in order to support the judge and praises the judiciary and the judge together and cut the way to criticize or challenge the ruling.

Shawki Allam, Mufti of the Republic, said in a statement issued by the House of Ifta that the people of Sinai are being displaced because the damage is threatening the homeland. In one statement, the Egyptian army does not condemn the indiscriminate killing and displacement with isolated convicts in the Sinai.

Shawki Allam Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt

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Jurisprudence in the service of political

"And whoever came to the Sultan was fascinated"

Khatib continues to comment on the case of the fatwa in Egypt that this manipulation of the religious establishment is not a jurisprudent, but rather a jurisprudence. "This fatwa can not be explained in the Fatwa, which is the statement of God's rule in the case, To the jurisprudence originally, was born from the womb of politics and power "[13], but these Muftun are" part of the state apparatus to follow its command, and these understandings could be understood as "doctrinal fatwas" if not harmonized with the rhythm of power and need first, Second, it would separate it from the political position of the Authority, secondly, even if it did not enter into a "political" debate with the fatwas opposing it. "[14]

All of this makes the outlook on these fatwas not as their jurisprudence, but as a justification for the political and moral crimes of political power. Their religious fatwas constantly coincide with the position of the authority without any distance between power and fatwa or between the will of the president and the rule of sharia. To the general public / the taxpayers, and their fatwas start to address the behavior and policies of the authority or the state.

While jurisprudence previously played a role in facilitating the conditions of people and their pensions in proportion to the moral values ​​according to the law of God, and has the power of jurisprudential rule as a final judgment if the Sultan turned over and dominated, the jurisprudence is now in many manifestations in the service of power and justify its behavior.

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(A) was their cheers: martyrs in the heart .. O Mufti O son of the dog.