Teller Report

KABOTOVA completes its victory with the presidency of Slovakia

3/31/2019, 2:29:55 PM

Photo: .. The grace of Slovakia is complete after winning the presidency

Slovakia's electoral commission announced early on Tuesday that the liberal lawyer known to fight corruption, Zuzana Kabutova, will become the first female president in Slovakia.

According to the final results of the electoral commission, the 45-year-old candidate won 58.4 percent of the vote in the run-off on Sunday, ahead of Marus Sefkovic, independent politician and energy commissioner of the European Union, who received 41.6 percent of the vote.

Sevkovic Kapotova congratulated her for winning.

Cabotova thanked the voters in the Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Roma languages, saying to her supporters that her election was a sign of change. Her supporters shouted "Zuzana, Zuzana!"

She said she was aiming for her new position to pursue "a clear position in favor of Europe."

Cabotova is due to be sworn in on June 15.

The lawyer, Kabutova, has been known for fighting corruption in previous years. She is an absolute woman and the mother of two children, where she served as deputy head of the Slovak Progressive Party before leaving, among the thousands of demonstrators who took to the streets in 2018 after the murder of journalist Jan Kosiak and his fiancée.