Teller Report

Italy: Salvini League and opposition demonstrate in favor of Lyon-Turin

1/12/2019, 10:18:46 PM

More than 30,000 Italians have come together. Turin to discuss the LGV project. A controversial work & oacute; by the 5-star Movement (M5S) but supported by the opposition and Matteo Salvini's League.

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The rally for the Lyon-Turin rail link attracted tens of thousands of protesters to a square in Turin on Saturday, January 12, 2019. REUTERS / Massimo Pinca

More than 30,000 Italians gathered in Turin to defend the LGV project. A work challenged by the 5-star movement (M5S) but supported by the opposition and the League of Matteo Salvini.

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

According to indiscretions of the press - unconfirmed - the report on the cost-benefit analysis, asked by the 5-star Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli, would indicate that the infrastructure, including the cost of the central element, - a tunnel 57 km - is estimated at 8, 6 billion euros, would not reach a threshold of profitability greater than 3.5%. But the government does not seem in a hurry to make an official decision.

The 5-star movement is opposed to the continuation of the Lyon-Turin project deemed " too expensive and unnecessary ". The league, which does not want to lose the consensus of entrepreneurs in the north of the country, believes that " any site that has been started must be finished ". And so, Matteo Salvini supports, paradoxically, the opposition parties favorable to the realization of the work.

As a result, the local Democrats have been seen in the Turin squares demonstrating alongside representatives of the League and environmental groups. All ready to request the organization of a referendum if the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, announced the termination of work, after studying the cost-benefit that has just been completed.

That said, the five-star political leader Luigi Di Maio, assures that there is no risk of a government crisis. " The league and our movement have different beliefs and are free to express them, " he said on the sidelines of a meeting in Sardinia.

(Re) listen and (re) read: The Italian government divided around the Lyon-Turin rail link ( Hello Europe )