Teller Report

Ingram may cancel the "lycas" for good reason

4/19/2019, 1:48:40 PM

Instagram's management is trying to hide the "lycat" of the content and the user's opinion of this step after making sure it is a quality extension if users are allowed to hide it from their accounts permanently. Some users on the social networking sites reported the news that Entgram

Instagram's management is trying to hide the "lycat" of the content and the user's opinion of this step after making sure it is a quality extension if users are allowed to hide it from their accounts permanently.

Some users on social networking sites said the news that Entegram may soon decide to cancel this feature because the focus of account holders to increase the number of "lycat" more than the content.

According to the leaked news from EntGram, hiding lycates may increase interest in the content of users rather than seeking an increase in leaks to attract others' attention.