Teller Report

Increase the legal speed limit on Sheikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Road

3/15/2019, 6:22:59 PM

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the Dubai Police General Command have decided to increase the legal speed limit on Sheikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Road in the area between Dubai-Al Ain Road and Al-Lailis Road from 90 km to 100 km / h. .And he said

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the Dubai Police General Command have decided to increase the legal speed limit on Sheikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Road in the area between Dubai-Al Ain Road and Al-Lailis Road from 90 km to 100 km / h. .

"The decision to increase speed on this part of Sheikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Road came after extensive studies in line with the speed management guide in Dubai, which includes flexible engineering mechanisms, standards and standards," said Mitha Bin Oday, Determining and assessing speeds on the roads of the Emirate of Dubai according to the best global practices. It determines the relationship between the best rates of speed and traffic flow, taking into consideration the basic engineering factors related to addressing the non-compliance with the specified speeds, For traffic control.

She added that the review of the current speeds in the traffic safety studies in the Traffic and Roads Corporation on a continuous basis on vital roads in the Emirate of Dubai, and raising or lowering the level of speeds according to the situation and condition of the road and environment surrounding coordination with strategic partners, and this is according to several engineering factors, Road speed, and the actual speed of most drivers (percentile speed 85%), along with the level of urban development on both sides of the road, pedestrian traffic and the presence of other vital facilities, taking into account traffic accident statistics on the street, Yeh.

The road signs will be changed to 100 km / h instead of 90 km / h, as well as warning signs that will regulate traffic between road users according to the standards and methods adopted to ensure that the TRA's vision of " Safe and easy transport for all ".

For his part, the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police Operations, Major General Mohammed Saif Al-Zafin, said that measures will be taken to change the speed control made by the radar to be the speed of radar control 120 kilometers per hour to maintain the safety of road users, And the continuous coordination between the Roads and Transport Authority and the General Directorate of Dubai Police to take decisions and examine the current speeds on some roads that need to be adjusted and increased speed limit, in line with the vision of the Government of Dubai and enhance traffic safety on the streets and roads of the Emirate.