Teller Report

In the US, expect the visit of the delegation of China on April 3

3/23/2019, 5:11:22 PM

The Chinese delegation, headed by Vice Premier Liu He, will visit the United States on April 3 for talks on bilateral trade. This was reported by the press secretary of the White House, Sarah Sanders.

"The United States is looking forward to the Chinese delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister Liu He, at a meeting with Washington on April 3, 2019," she said.

As emphasized, the US Trade Representative and Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin will also visit Beijing, where they will hold talks on March 28.

Earlier it was reported that the United States and China are in the final stages of a trade transaction.

Also, US President Donald Trump said that trade duties on Chinese goods can be saved for a long period of time.

The head of the sector of international economic organizations of the Center for Economic Research at RISI, Vyacheslav Kholodkov, in an interview with the FBA Economics Today commented on the trade standoff between the United States and China.