Teller Report

In the State Duma Poroshenko commented on the participation in TV debates

4/19/2019, 8:09:35 PM

Viktor Vodolatsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, commented to RT about the appearance of a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, at the televised debates his opponent, Vladimir Zelensky, missed.

“Poroshenko’s consultants understand that he lost the debate at the stadium ... Petr Alekseevich decided once again to make the move that, according to his political strategists, would allow him to somehow increase his rating and reduce his lead over Zelensky,” the deputy said.

Vodolatsky noted that at the moment the current president’s long backlog from the second candidate is underlined by fatigue from Poroshenko’s policy in Ukraine.

Earlier in Kiev, the debate ended Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky.

Candidates for the presidency of Ukraine spent an hour at the Olympic Stadium, after which Poroshenko came to the studio of the public TV channel UA: First.

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