Teller Report

In the Kaliningrad region defused ammunition during the war

1/19/2019, 4:51:50 PM

In Kaliningrad and in Svetlovsk urban district found ammunition of World War II, transfer "Nevskie Novosti" with reference to the press service of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In the regional center, they found one 203-mm projectile on Chernigovskaya street, in the urban district - six 50-mm projectiles. All neutralized.

It also became known that two fragmentation bombs of the war had been defused in the Crimea. They were discovered in the open area two kilometers from the village of Seven hundred Leninsky district. About this reports "Kryminform" with reference to the press service of the EMERCOM of Russia in the republic.

At the end of December, Rosgvardi staff found an aerial bomb of World War II in the coastal zone of the Kerch Strait, the ammunition was destroyed by bomb technicians.