Teller Report

In the absence of threat, Matthias Fekl asks for the lifting of his police protection

3/29/2019, 5:02:37 PM

"I wrote to the Minister of the Interior to ask him for a discreet and upcoming waiver of my protection," says the former minister at "Parisien". & nbsp;

"I wrote to the Minister of the Interior to ask for a discreet and upcoming waiver of my protection," says the former minister at "Parisian".

He has only been Minister of the Interior for a few months, from March to May 2017. However, Matthias Fekl still benefits from the protection of two Protection Services Security Officers (SDLP). "It's a bit special to live," says the former minister at Paris , Friday, explaining having requested the lifting of this device.

A protection "after end of functions". Today associated in a law firm, Matthias Fekl explains that it enjoys a protection "called 'after end of functions'", which "may be related to the general context, the gravity decisions made while we were in office, as well as the sensitive information we had access to ".

"A discreet and next lift". "Given the short duration of my position in Beauvau, I wrote in 2017 to Gerard Collomb, my successor, to ask for an assessment of the threat to me," says the former minister. "His services had told my security team that my UCLAT (Counter-Terrorism Coordination Unit ) did not change, so my protection was maintained." And to add: "Not having known today threats against me, I wrote to the Minister of the Interior to ask a discreet and upcoming waiver of my protection."

Matthias Fekl insists, however, on the need not to ignore such a decision. "It is sometimes enough that you lift the device of a personality, and that it is said publicly, so that this one is again threatened", justifies it.