Teller Report

In China, opposed to hegemony and interference in the affairs of other countries

2/16/2019, 1:15:33 PM

Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC Central Committee), head of the office of the CPC Central Committee Committee on Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi said that Beijing is against hegemony and interference in the affairs of other states.

“We strongly oppose interference in the internal affairs of other states and consider it necessary to resolve differences and conflicts through dialogue and consultation, we also oppose hegemony and support the maintenance of a world order based on rules and laws,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

He made the corresponding statement during his speech at the Munich Security Conference.

As he pointed out, all states of the world should respect the choice of the development path of each country, regardless of whether it is “big or small, rich or poor”.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi indicated that China intends to firmly adhere to the principles of equality of all countries and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.