Teller Report

Harvest technology 2018 .. Facebook scandals and targeting Huawei

12/31/2018, 3:18:45 PM

The year 2018 saw a number of important technical events and developments from the successive Facebook scandals, protests by Google employees, the US-China business conflict that killed Huawei and Apple, and much more, and then monitoring those events by months.

January 2018

Accelerated preparation for the launch of 5G technology

Since the beginning of this year, talk has begun to increase on the 5G communications technology. Telecom companies have begun preparing for the final stages of the infrastructure necessary to activate this network. Smartphone manufacturers have also begun to compete to announce the support of this technology in their 2019 phones. The final preparation of the 5G technology, which is expected to actually start in 2019.

February 2018

Develop an electronic skin that feels heat and cold

In a major scientific leap, American scientists have devised high-quality, translucent electronic skins that can replace natural skin by measuring temperature, pressure, humidity and airflow. This material can improve prosthetic industry, increase the safety efficiency of future bronzes, and help develop Other biomedical devices.

Facebook reduces news content on its site

In January 2018, Facebook announced that it would reduce the appearance of news on the news feed page for users of its social network, and began this month to implement its holiday and news publishers are already feeling the brunt of that as traffic on their publications has dropped.

March 2018

A computer smaller than a grain of salt

IBM said this month that it is the smallest computer in the world, actually less than the salt. Despite the ultra-small size of this computer, it has the same power as a x86 processor from the 1990s, but it needs a binocular to see it.

Facebook scandals snowball that rolled throughout the year

This month saw the public disclosure of the scandal of stealing data from 50 million users of Facebook network by Cambridge Analytica. The scandal was like a snowball that was growing from month to month, from the resignation of Facebook's head of information technology security to a sharp decline in stocks and reputation, and campaigns calling on users to close their pages. As well as the collapse of Cambridge Analytica.

May 2018

Google Duplex .. Amazing technology and awesome

"Duplex" technology developed by Google relies on artificial intelligence, and can simulate people and telephone contact instead of them to take time with the hairdresser, for example, which raised further concerns about the extent to which the techniques of artificial intelligence.

August 2018

Fortnight defies Google

Earlier in the month, Foretnight, the developer of the game, AbecGames, refused to put the game in the Google Play Store so as not to pay Google a percentage of every purchase inside the game and decided to put it up independently. This angered Google, who was watching the game's flaws and warning But it did not prevent Fortnight from becoming one of the most popular 2018 games.

Apple introduces three new iPhone phones and the fourth generation of its smart watch

Apple unveiled at its annual conference three new iPhone phones, the iPhone XS, the XMax, and the XR, as well as the Watch SIRES 4 Watch. But despite the beauty of the design and durability, these devices did not receive the proliferation expected by Apple.

The resignation of the founders of InGram and Wassab .. The reason Zuckerberg

This month, the founders of the firm, Kevin Sistrom and Mike Krieger, resigned from the company they built amid frustration and disquiet at the growing interference and control they impose on Entstagram, the parent company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. In May, Watsab's founder and chief executive, After a dispute with Facebook management on how to manage the business of the company.

November 2018

Pegasus program scandal

This month, a news report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that the Israeli spy group NSA had concluded a deal with Saudi officials for selling a Pegasus 3 cellular penetration program for $ 55 million, a few months ago. Of the Saudi Crown Prince launched a campaign against his opponents at home.

Microsoft temporarily surpasses Apple as the world's most valuable company

Microsoft briefly surpassed its fellow Apple company late this month to become the world's highest-value company after its market capitalization exceeded Apple's stock.

Google employees are demonstrating against their company

This month many Google employees led a protest campaign against the company's sexual harassment policies, demanding more transparency in investigations into such cases. These protests sparked the spotlight on other technology companies such as Facebook and eBay, Companies.

December 2018

The new Microsoft Edge browser is finally defeated in front of Chrome

Microsoft announced this month that it will transfer its browser, "EDGE", the operating system Windows 10, working with Google's open source "Chromium", to make the browser more compatible with the sites, and this is a frank announcement from Microsoft to defeat its browser in front of Google Chrome.

Huawei and Washington are mounting crisis

All this year, Huawei's Chinese company has been plagued with the US administration for spying for China. First, it banned sales of its phones in the US market, culminating in the arrest of the company's chief executive in Vancouver at the request of US authorities for violating the ban on Iran.

Ban iPhone phones in China

In what appeared to be a response to the ban on Huawei phones in the United States, Apple was hit hard in China after Chinese judicial authorities issued a ban on the sale of many iPhone phones on its territory. The decision came as a result of a lawsuit filed by the American chip company Qualcomm for the US company in late 2017 accusing it of stealing patents.

Another amazing development of artificial intelligence. Human faces are real

Artificial intelligence techniques continue to evolve day after day, and the latest development was the invention of the American company NVIDIA artificial intelligence algorithm is able to automatically create new human faces and cats and cars so well that it is not possible to distinguish whether the images are fake or real.