Teller Report

Global Climate Strike: A Call for Responsibility

3/15/2019, 5:46:10 PM

For several months, & agrave; the initiative of Greta Thunberg, a young Dutch girl of 16 years old, the students from Sweden, Belgium, Canada and, since February, from France, are calling for a school visit. .

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Mobilization for the climate Friday, February 15, 2019 in front of the ministry of Transition ecological and solidarity, in Paris. REUTERS / Charles Platiau

For several months, at the initiative of Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish girl of 16, high school students from Sweden, Belgium, Canada and, since February, from France, call to make the "school strike", all Friday afternoons. The goal is to sensitize governments to act against global warming. This Friday, March 15 is to mark a turning point for their mobilization, which is global.

This Friday, the organization "Youth for Climate", "Youth for the climate", organizes a global strike. The young French, who were so far a little late , expect to catch up.

A movement that is gaining ground

At the start of the school year, French students and high school students had found themselves around more immediate struggles, such as the reform of universities or the increase of tuition fees. But now, the mobilization has grown .

For Claire Renauld, a philosophy master student and spokesperson for the movement, this strike is a strong gesture, because today's young people represent the first generation affected by climate change.

" We want to rob our future, " she says, " and that's what we want to denounce by going on strike. There is no point in going to schools to learn a future that is being deconstructed under our feet. "

GOOD MORNING FROM THE EAST! Picture from CLIMATE MARCH IN SYDNEY! Today is going to be a powerful day! Speak up people, times up for political correctness and corporations dictating the way we impact our world. #MarchDay # March15th #GretaThunberg #environmentaljustice

BĂ©ata Delcourt (@DelcourtBea) March 15, 2019

Social and climatic struggles on the same wavelength

For young people, social justice and climate justice are intrinsically linked, because the precarious and the poorest are the first to be affected by climate change, and the culprits are the same.

They therefore call with one voice to punish for their climate and social inaction the companies that are responsible. A message that has been heard, since Saturday, March 16, three major events will converge.

The "march of solidarity", against the law asylum and immigration, the parade of "Our affair to all", for the climate, and finally the "yellow vests" have indeed planned to be in the same place at the beginning of after -midday.

Great debate in high schools : a provocation

As young people anticipate this long-standing global strike, the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced earlier this week that the "big debate" with young people will be held this afternoon in high schools. . An announcement that angered high school students and students.

Claire Renauld, spokesperson for the student and high school climate movement, sees it as a " technician and infantilising response from the government, inappropriate for the climate emergency ". But it is also a way to discredit this planned movement for weeks.

Students denounce an education that drives growth, in which other theories, such as decay, are not represented. So, bringing the debate back into the classrooms is a form of censorship.

Fridays for future. The school strike continues! #climatestrike #klimatstrejk #FridaysForFuture

Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 16, 2018

A call to President Macron

Basically, this day is a call to the rulers. And via the media BRUT, on the Internet, its initiator Greta Thunberg sends to President Macron a message that is consensus among young strikers.

" You must act now," says the teenager, " because if you do nothing now you will fail, and you will be considered one of the worst villains in the history of mankind. "

For young people fighting for the climate, this day is also an awareness action. And because for them, walking is not enough, they spend the morning on acts of civil disobedience, such as sticking posters or blocking the entry of a company responsible for global warming.

To know more: To consult the call to the strike on the site