Teller Report

From the arrested grandfather to Laila .. An embarrassing message to increase the pain of executions in Egypt

3/3/2019, 2:52:44 PM

"If I spend as long as your father, the hero Vzgrdi me as Zgrdua him, and if God gathered me, I promise you to complete the rest of the story that I have told your father in the cradle, is one story of the story of a nation and a nation and a doctrine and an idea, to a meeting nearby,

Mohammed Taha Wahdan, a member of the Guidance Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood, concluded his letter from prison to his granddaughter Laila, the daughter of Ahmed Taha and Hadan, one of the nine young men executed recently in Egypt amid international human rights criticism of the conduct of investigations and trial proceedings. .

On the morning of February 20, the Egyptian authorities executed nine young men, Ahmed Taha and Hadan, Abu al-Qasim Mohammed, Ahmad Jamal Hijazi, Mahmoud al-Ahmad, Abu Bakr al-Sayyed, Abdul Rahman Suleiman, Ahmad Muhammad, Ahmad Mahrous Sayed and Islam Muhammad.

Laila's story sparked widespread reactions and sympathies with supporters of the Egyptian authorities. The pioneers of social networking sites have taken pictures from inside the courtroom that monitor Lily's growth over time and the signals between her mother and father, especially telling him that Leila's teeth are beginning to appear.

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where is my father?
In his letter from inside the prison, where he is being tried with Brotherhood leaders, Grandpa Mohamed Taha Wahdan told his granddaughter Laila, "Where is my father?" This is the first question that will come out of your beautiful mouth soon. You will not listen to the transient answers. You will ask him for yourself whenever you see your daughters pick up the sweets from the hands of their loving parents, play and play joyfully and then throw in their warm arms, you will feel lost and deprived, and you will jump from your consciousness one word that has settled in your depths and clung to your thoughts, Word of execution ".

"You will grow up and ask and listen, but you will see the pictures of your father and brothers loaded into their graves with a bright smile on their faces, and you will hear and hear with your ears the cheers and cheers that you have given them to their last resting place, and you will be surprised by the congratulations and not the condolences. And you are small that it has exceeded the meaning of death, and overcome the loss and separation and pain, and that the life of your father and his true brothers began at the moment I put the gallows on their necks.

"My dear daughter and granddaughter, Laila, will walk through life, events and people, and you will see signs around you in the crown on your head," said the daughter of the martyr Ahmed Wahdan. "Here the tears, pain and sorrow change into pride and pride.

"The blood of Abik is the fuel of the revolution against corrupt oppressors, tyrants, plundering good deeds, and excessive duties, and gave up the land and supply and wealth, and then turned to Sharia and ethics."

"They are executing a whole country, and what your father and brothers did, they received the death sentence by their redemption for the homeland, and when blood does not die, the revolution will inevitably prevail."