Teller Report

French Interior Ministry accused "yellow vests" in the destruction of more than half of road radar

1/10/2019, 8:42:45 PM

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner accused activists of the movement "yellow vests" in the destruction of more than 3,200 radar to monitor compliance with the speed limit on the country's roads.

It is reported by BFMTV.

It is noted that this is about 60% of all road radars in France.

“Almost 60% of road radars are now malfunctioning or completely destroyed by those who say they belong to the movement,” the minister said.

According to him, in social networks he saw photographs in which the protesters posed next to a burnt radar.

Earlier, French Prime Minister Edouard Philip said that more than a thousand sentences were issued to participants in the unrest during the protest events in the country, organized by the yellow vests movement.