Teller Report

Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Galapagos: shining example

2/15/2019, 11:36:48 AM

Angela Merkel did it, Sigmar Gabriel too, and now Frank-Walter Steinmeier. But even the President does not look good in colorful outdoor clothing. Especially when he warns about plastic waste.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier has style. Actually. Often you can see the Federal President in three parts. This looks good and has the advantage that the President of the Republic remains presentable even if he wants to take off his jacket, for example because it is warm. It is very warm in the Galapagos Islands. Currently the temperatures are around 30 degrees. In addition, there are rain and gusts. Suit and vest would definitely have been the wrong choice here.

The firefighter Sam outfit, in which Steinmeier walked on Thursday on the island Seymour between turtles and iguanas, was also wrong.

First of all, it was very colorful: wine-red hiking boots, saffron-colored hiking pants with red zippers and an azure checkered short-sleeved shirt (model Puez Minicheck Dry'ton Short Sleeve: "breathable, quick-drying and easy-care"). In terms of color, it all fits together somehow and also takes into account a simple and important styling rule: never mix more than three colors!

photo gallery

4 pictures

Photo gallery: The Steinmeiers on Galapagos

However, the colorful trekking mix does not look like a hairdo - after hiking on the Brocken, not to Schloss Bellevue. This becomes especially clear in comparison to Steinmeier's companions. Of course, the olive ranger outfit of his guides would not have been taken from him. But trousers in muted colors and leather boots would have been better for the Federal President. For above a white shirt with long sleeves. Finished.

That's what Steinmeier's wife Elke Büdenbender thought. She began her exploration of white Nikes, black pants (model Sesvenna Freak Durastretch softshell) and a white blouse. So far so good. Only about her poison green softshell sleeve could be discussed. Incidentally, the jacket and pants come from the same manufacturer (Salewa) as the husband's shirt. So much German holiday cliché must be.

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In the defense of Steinmeier said that cotton shirts in these latitudes are quickly full of unsightly sweat stains (of which Angela Merkel can sing a song). But there are also linen. This is breathable and has style. On the whole outdoor clothing is not a completely wrong choice, especially if - as photos show - it still rains. The price of all-weather armor, however, is that they are not in beautiful, let alone in federal presidiabel.

The problem is the material

However, Steinmeier's hiking suit is problematic for another reason. That the former Foreign Minister ignores the travel recommendations of the Foreign Office (light-colored clothing, long pants, long shirts) - as a gift! The problem is the material. Because Steinmeier traveled the Galapagos Archipelago to set a sign.

The Pacific Islands are threatened by introduced animal and plant species and bacteria, Steinmeier said during his visit. A new threat to fauna and flora but go from plastic waste. On Santa Cruz alone, one of the larger islands in the archipelago, 22 tons of plastic waste were collected within a short time.

No question, the problem is rather carelessly thrown away or overboard packaging, not functional clothing. But she is part of the problem. Outdoormode consists mostly of microplastic fibers. For this reason, the manufacturer of Steinmeiers outfit recommends to clean the clothes in a special wash bag, so that no microplastic particles get into the sewage and then into waters and soils.

It's not just about style, it's about attitude.