Teller Report

France: The National Gathering launches its European campaign

1/12/2019, 11:18:41 PM

This is the first big party & rdquo; to embark on the european campaign. Favorite polls, the National Rally (RN) holds meeting this Sunday, January 13th & agrave; Paris. Marine Le Pen will give her speech of return and ...

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The President of the National Rally Marine Le Pen in Rome, October 8, 2018 where she met the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Savini. REUTERS / Max Rossi

This is the first big party to embark on the European campaign. Favorite polls, the National Rally (RN) holds meeting this Sunday, January 13 in Paris. Marine Le Pen will make her speech and will introduce the first 12 members of the list.

Marine Le Pen launches its European campaign in dynamics. Already in the lead in the polls, the National Gathering has formalized this week a symbolic rally: that of Thierry Mariani , former minister right. And the meeting this Sunday afternoon must drive the nail by presenting other opening faces. A good sequence while opposite, Emmanuel Macron remains mired in the crisis of "yellow vests".

A crisis rather well managed by the president of the extreme right party. By multiplying calls to calm, Marine Le Pen paradoxically appeared as the least factious opposition leaders. " She was the best ", even whispered Emmanuel Macron according to the newspaper Le Point .

In the speech she will make this Sunday afternoon, however, it is from Europe that Marine Le Pen wants to speak: " We have 4 months to explain that we are not against the European idea, but against the European construction "Says his adviser Philippe Olivier. Four months that Marine Le Pen will cross France. A real electoral marathon since about thirty meetings are announced.

(Re) read: Europeans: the (very) young Jordan Bardella will lead the RN list well