Teller Report

Father Decla told who will get the rights to the work of the rapper

2/22/2019, 1:51:47 PM

Alexander Tolmatsky, the father of Russian musician Cyril Tolmatsky, also known as Decl, published a statement on his Instagram account of the company SO / Era Music, which deals with the management of the rights to the rapper's creative work.

The text notes that since 2014, the company has been collecting the “music catalog of the artist”, in particular, restoring clips and organizing the monetization of the rights to songs and video of the artist.

“Cyril, shortly before the tragic day, voiced his will regarding his rights: he asked for help preparing the documents so that the income from managing the rights to music, video, trademarks and merch would go in favor of his son,” the statement said.

Currently, according to SO / Era Music, the parents of Kirill Tolmatsky - Alexander and Irina Tolmatsky - are taking part in the necessary procedures in order to register the rights to the artist's inheritance.

February 3, became aware of the death of Decl. Later Pavel Belenets, the concert director of the rapper, told the Izvestia newspaper that the musician had a heart failure.