Teller Report

Experts examine in detail the area of ​​flooding of the Tushinsky tunnel

1/10/2019, 9:00:40 PM

A detailed survey of the emergency zone of the flooded Tushino tunnel on Volokolamskoye Highway will begin on Friday, January 11th. This was stated in the press service of the organization "Moscow Canal".

“Following the results of the survey work, the chronology of the incident will be compiled and its main reasons will be determined. The main task is to prevent any possibility of repeating such situations in the future, ”RIA Novosti reports.

As noted, the interdepartmental commission, established to find out the causes and eliminate the consequences of the emergency, began work and inspected the drained section of the inter-lock pool.

“There is no danger of further erosion of the soil and waterlogging,” the report indicates.

Earlier on the Volokolamsk highway was restored traffic.

January 10 Tushinsky tunnel was flooded due to erosion of the soil. As stated by the authorities of the capital, flooding could be caused by violations in the expansion of Volokolamsk highway.