Teller Report

Expected weather in the country in the coming days

3/19/2019, 7:56:55 PM

The state today witnessed a partially cloudy and partially cloudy weather, with a significant drop in temperature. Some areas experienced early morning rains, while the winds were northwesterly, dusty and dusty over exposed areas and the sea was very turbulent in the Gulf.

Today, the country witnessed a bit of a dusty and partly cloudy weather, with a significant drop in temperature. Some areas experienced early morning rains, while the winds were northwesterly, dusty and dusty over exposed areas and the sea was very turbulent and turbulent in the Arabian Gulf. Oman.

The National Meteorological Center predicted Tuesday that the weather will be partly cloudy. Winds will be northwesterly dusty and dusty over open areas. The sea will be turbulent in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman.

As for the Wednesday weather, the center reported that it would be wet in the morning on some inland areas, sometimes becoming partly cloudy, with winds northwesterly moderate to 20 to 30 km / h and up to 40 km / h on the sea Which will remain turbulent to the average in the Arabian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea.

The center said that next Thursday will see wet weather in the morning with the possibility of fog or light fog on some coastal and northern areas, to become partly cloudy in general, pointing to a rise in temperature.

The winds will become cloudy late at night, with the possibility of some light rain falling on the sea and the islands in the west, while the winds will be northwesterly to northeasterly moderate speed, sometimes active at night with clouds on the sea, ranging from 15 to 30 km / Up to 38 km / h on the Mediterranean Sea, which is moderate in the Arabian Gulf, and mild to moderate in the Sea of ​​Oman.