Teller Report

Europeans: Le Pen takes up the theme of immigration which creates, according to her, "zones of non-France"

1/19/2019, 5:54:44 PM

For his first European campaign rally, Marine Le Pen, who was in Vaucluse on Saturday, spoke at length about immigration.

The campaign for the European elections provides an opportunity for Marine Le Pen to discuss the fundamentals of the National Gathering. Saturday afternoon, in Thors in the Vaucluse, the party president devoted much of his speech to immigration. And lambasted an "irrational opening of the borders" which would have created, according to her, "a delusional immigration which transforms certain places in zone of non-France".

"Zon of non-France". "Globalization, with the opening of irrational borders, has delivered our streets, our neighborhoods, our cities, our villages, to a delusional immigration which transforms some places in the non-France zone", hammered the former candidate to the presidential election in a gymnasium, flanked by Thierry Mariani, a former LR minister who has recently joined, and head of the list, Jordan Bardella. These are "areas where one feels alien in one's own country, areas where the laws of the Republic are no longer applied, areas where are found other laws than those of the Republic, that of that of the Islamists, "she added.

Critique of the pact of Marrakech. "It is time to put an end to this scandal, and to remind everyone that here we are in France, and that France applies French law," said the boss of the far-right party, before the assistance does not say "we are at home". Marine Le Pen once again criticized the UN Global Compact on Migration signed in Marrakech, "illustration" of Emmanuel Macron's "project" for Europe, "a project that makes the French people disappear through migratory dilution. that it organizes, a project that confirms the exit of France from history ".

"We have to get together" Previously, Thierry Mariani had justified by the theme of identity rallying to the RN list. "It's true that we do not agree on economic policies, but a CSG rate can be changed into a decree", he recalled, while "we do not change a population, a territory, a culture in 24 hours When it's too late, it's too late, and today we have to get together. "

Hand extended to "yellow vests". While the National Gathering has a golden opportunity to focus on one of his favorite subjects, he has not forgotten the "yellow vests" so far. Especially not in Vaucluse, where the mobilization is strong. At the opening of the meeting, the young head of the list, Jordan Bardella, reached out to the discontented ones. "To all these Frenchmen who have been making distress calls for a number of weeks on the roundabouts, who tell us 'And us?', We simply answer 'You first'," he said. . For its part, Marine Le Pen took care to reuse the same terms as the "yellow vests" to denounce the rise in taxes and the disappearance of public services.