Teller Report

Europeans: insubordinate France launches a loan campaign with the French

3/31/2019, 3:11:44 PM

LFI wants to "collect several hundred thousand euros," says the move in a statement, which further states that "the refund will be made within a maximum of twelve months interest-free".

LFI wants to "collect several hundreds of thousands of euros," said the movement in a statement, which also states that "the refund will be made within a maximum period of twelve months without interest."

"Help us to make democracy live by becoming our bank": insubordinate France launched Sunday a "popular loan campaign" with the French, who can pay at least 400 euros, to finance the campaign of the party in the European elections .

"A democratic challenge" . The goal is to "collect several hundred thousand euros," said the party in a statement, which also states that "the refund will be made within a maximum period of twelve months without interest". On the site, the lenders can fill a form of loan, before signature and transfer of the sum by credit card or check.

In parallel, the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, which specifies to have collected 190.000 euros approximately, appeals to the gifts. In its statement, LFI underlines that "the financing of the electoral campaigns is a democratic stake". For proof, "some lists give up to present themselves faults to have available the necessary funds to carry out a campaign".

The fault of the banks? For LFI, whose "overall budget envisaged is 4 million euros", "the difficulty comes from delays in processing loan applications by banks", it adds, and "they respond very late and pay, if necessary, the loan amount only a few weeks, or even a few days, before the vote ".

In a latest Elabe poll released on Wednesday, LFI comes fifth in voting intentions (with 7.5%), after LREM (22.5%), side by side with the National Rally (22%), Republicans ( 14%), EELV (9%), and this in the absence of a list of "yellow vests".