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EU exit from the UK: Six million sign petition against Brexit

3/31/2019, 10:08:33 PM

The British government continues to struggle to find a majority in Brexit. An online petition for a second referendum is joining more and more people.

United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum

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More than six million participants have signed a petition for Britain to remain in the EU. On Monday it will be debated in the lower house in London.

"The government keeps stressing that leaving the EU is the 'will of the people'," says the online petition, which should only be attended by British or UK resident citizens. The action is intended to show the will of many people that the country is not leaving the EU. "There should not be another referendum - so vote now."

Whether among the six million supporters are really only British, can not be understood. To enter, you only have to enter your postal code - it will not be checked.

The role of the petition in the debate in the lower house on Monday was initially unclear. However, the government has repeatedly stated that it rejects a withdrawal of the withdrawal and feels bound by the 2016 referendum.

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British MPs have been desperately searching for ways out of Brexit chaos for weeks. After the third rejection of her Brexit agreement in Parliament, Prime Minister Theresa May apparently wants to try another attempt. It could vote for the fourth time on Tuesday or Wednesday on its deal agreed with Brussels, the British news agency PA reported. There was no official confirmation.

On Monday, another round of trial votes on alternatives to the withdrawal agreement is planned in the lower house, such as the United Kingdom's stay in a customs union with the EU. The coming Wednesday is also planned. In a vote last Wednesday, parliamentarians had already rejected eight alternative proposals for Mays Brexit deal.

Juncker: "Patience is coming to an end"

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker does not want to interfere in the question of a possible second Brexit referendum. The British people alone have to decide that, he told the Italian TV channel RAI. He also reiterated earlier statements that Parliament in London has made clear so far what it does not want. But it remains unclear which ways it would support.

However, Juncker also said, "We had a lot of patience with our British friends, but patience is coming to an end." He would like to see an agreement between Britain and the EU in the coming hours or days.

If there is no agreement in the next few days, a withdrawal without agreement threatens on 12 April or a renewed postponement of Brexit. Britain would also have to participate in the European elections from 23 to 26 May. A possible participation in the vote already encountered resistance.

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