Teller Report

Emergency regime in New Earth will be canceled February 19

2/17/2019, 11:36:44 AM

The emergency regime introduced on Novaya Zemlya due to the invasion of polar bears will be canceled on February 19. This was announced by the head of the administration of the urban district Novaya Zemlya Zhigansha Musin.

According to him, this decision was made by the commission for the prevention of emergency situations.

"(It will be. - RT ) removed February 19 ... due to the fact that the mass invasion of bears is no longer within the settlements," - says TASS.

As Musin explained, the polar bears stopped entering the settlements en masse, since this, in particular, is facilitated by the weather conditions.

“Ice has appeared, a place where they can hunt, they leave, garbage dumps are not at all interesting for them,” he added.

Earlier on Novaya Zemlya introduced an emergency mode due to the invasion of polar bears.

As described in the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), this phenomenon is caused by climate change, reduced ice area and the behavior of people who carelessly dispose of garbage.