Teller Report

Dubai Launches Virtual School for Pre-University Education

1/19/2019, 10:07:23 PM

The legislation laboratory and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai are currently discussing and preparing the virtual schools and preparing studies on them through a pilot launch. The trial period will last for nine months to finalize the legislative lab.

The legislative lab and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai are currently discussing and preparing the virtual schools and conducting studies on them through a pilot launch. The trial period will last for nine months to finalize the legislative lab, In addition to its fees and the protection of its beneficiaries.

"The Virtual School is already in place and has been authorized to work in the UAE and work will begin in the near future," said Hind Al Mualla, Head of Creativity, Innovation and Innovation at the Authority. The school is part of the Rahal program launched by the Authority within the Dubai 10X Initiatives. It offers more than one method of study, including a home study or distance study.

She added that «virtual school will be paid by the student, because it is a service provided by the private sector, although it is through technology, regulated and monitored by the government sector, the continuity of this service requires to have a fee, and will not be fees like regular (regular) The study we have conducted on this type of school will charge between 15 and 20 percent of the fees of regular schools. The fees will vary according to the availability of virtual schools. "The student at the virtual school is studying with a virtual group of students around the world. To study in Dubai with a student J America and another in Britain and other countries, and have joint study projects and mentor one and the number of activities and other details that distinguish a virtual school for another.

According to the certificate he wants to receive, the student will determine the curriculum that he will study at the virtual school, within the framework of the virtual schools authorized by the Authority. The student will then be able to choose among them what suits his aspirations. On the website in the future, so that the student can choose from them, stressing that virtual schools will witness strict control and strong conditions to obtain the license, to prevent any abuse, abuse and exploitation, and protection of the student.

She explained that before the launch of the project «Rahal» within the «Dubai 10X», many citizens were reviewing the body and discuss a system that allows their children to develop their abilities and skills, they have cards and capabilities, but the current educational system is like a daily protein, the student goes through the same experience And the quotas themselves every day, regardless of their potential and interests, and thus prevent them from producing the best of their educational, creative and innovative capabilities, so the students were looking for a system that allows students to achieve all their potential away from the constraints of the school system, but the obstacle to them in following this The system is concerned about not obtaining certificates recognized by official bodies.

She pointed out that the Authority was entrusted with the licensing of traditional private schools with buildings and classrooms, like other licensing authorities in the country, and was not authorized to study home or study remotely or study in a virtual school, and when the project «Rahal» within the «initiatives of Dubai 10X »The opportunity to review the laws, and consider the process of licensing virtual schools or distance learning, explaining that Rahal program recognizes education anywhere, does not require commitment to be in the classroom, as well as it is not a single program, but the system contains a large number Of innovations, in addition to that it eases Of the obligations assumed by the license to the traditional educational system. At the same time, it is without prejudice to the basic purpose of legislation, which is to protect the consumer. It allows the beneficiary to be part of the legislation and makes it part of the education process itself, not just a recipient.

Al-Mualla pointed out that it is currently not possible to confirm that the virtual school will cancel the regular or traditional school because the current period is a trial period in which the spread of the virtualization is somewhat weak. Therefore, we can not confirm the hypothesis of either system. Of years to reach this judgment.

Virtual School fees do not exceed 20% of traditional expenses