Teller Report

DRC: a day full of many incidents - RFI

1/10/2019, 6:54:45 PM

The victory of Felix Tshisekedi in the presidential election of December 30, 2018 is contested on the street as well. Different clashes occurred

By RFIPalled on 10-01-2019Modified on 10-01-2019 at 19:48

The victory of Felix Tshisekedi in the presidential election of December 30, 2018 is contested on the street as well. Various clashes occurred on Thursday in the country. The death toll is estimated at 7, including two children.

It is probably in Kikwit, 500 km east of Kinshasa, Martin Fayulu's stronghold, that the situation is the most tense. Thursday night, we still heard shooting at the city to Kikwit 2 and to the bridge Kwilu. According to witnesses on site, the death toll is estimated at 7, including two children. A soldier died accidentally. A policeman also lost his life. Law enforcement fired live bullets from sources on site. " The police and the army, armed to the teeth, fired point-blank ! "Said a resident joined by telephone by RFI.

They are also thousands of Congolese to continue to demonstrate again this Thursday evening in Kisangani where the police used tear gas and warning shots. At 18h, there were still clashes at the level of the Onatra according to the civil society. The main road from the airport was blocked by protesters. The security device is also very important. Much of the big northern city is totally paralyzed.

Clashes were also reported in Kananga, Kasai, with three gunshot wounds, including an 18-year-old woman and a 13-year-old teenager.

In Lubumbashi, on the other hand, the demonstrations took place in calm. A hundred pro-Fayulu youths marched Thursday morning from Kenya, a town in the south of the city, to Kamalondo.

In Kinshasa, in the capital, it is a feeling of relief that has prevailed among many Kinois today. Many feared strong tensions in the city after the publication of the results of the presidential election.

In the 2006 elections, for two days we stayed at home. It was not possible to go out. In 2011, the same. It was hard to get out of the house. But this time, I have no worries

Report: Kinois relieved

10-01-2019 - By RFI

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