Teller Report

Delicate decision: Romania wants to transfer message from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

3/24/2019, 5:47:22 PM

Romania's Prime Minister Dancila has announced that she will move her country's Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The model for the controversial decision was US President Donald Trump.

Romania will be the first EU country to relocate its diplomatic mission in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This announced Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Sunday in Washington at the annual meeting of the American-Israeli lobby organization Aipac. "I, as Prime Minister of Romania, and the government that I run, will send our message to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel," she said.

Dancila said US President Donald Trump's decision to send the message impressed her. In a flurry of political turmoil - provocation, long overdue or dangerous single-handedly - the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017 and relocated its message from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem last May. Countries such as the Czech Republic or Brazil have also spoken out in favor of relocating their diplomatic missions.

Relocations are controversial

The transfers are controversial. The status of Jerusalem, according to the overwhelming majority of the international community, should be established in future peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel claims Jerusalem as its capital, the Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of their own future state of Palestine.

The announcement of Romania comes at a time when the country holds the EU Presidency. The move of the US embassy had caused strife within the EU. Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini criticized the US decision but could not do so on behalf of all EU countries because of resistance from Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

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