Teller Report

Defense Ministry: refugees say they are being forcibly detained in the “Er-Rukban” camp

2/15/2019, 6:15:32 PM

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said that, according to the refugees, the overwhelming majority of them were forcibly held in the Syrian “Er-Rukban” camp by militants.

"In a survey conducted by representatives of the Syrian Red Crescent Society, the refugees confirmed that the vast majority of them are forcibly held in Er-Rukban by the US-supported militant formations and do not know anything about the possibility of returning safely to their former places of residence," said Konashenkov.

According to him, the Russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties, together with the government of the SAR, from February 19, 2019, temporary accommodation centers will be deployed in the Dzhleb and Jebel El-Ghurab areas.

“We call on the American command and leaders of the illegal armed groups in the“ El-Tanf ”zone to stop forcibly keeping at least women and children in the camp most suffering from cold, illness and malnutrition. All of them will be given the necessary assistance, ”stressed Konashenkov.

He added that with the assistance of Russia, a second humanitarian convoy to the Er-Rukban camp took place.

“The picture, which opened to the staff of international humanitarian organizations in Er-Rukban, can only be described by the word“ horror ”. An impressive amount of targeted aid is fading against the background of the scale of hardships and disasters of tens of thousands of Syrians who survive in inhuman conditions, ”the major general said.

In December, Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin informed UN Under-Secretary-General Mark Lowokok about the efforts of the Russian side to provide humanitarian assistance to the Syrians.