Teller Report

Death of a "yellow vest" in Belgium: a Dutch driver indicted

1/15/2019, 10:21:48 PM

The man was charged with "beatings and injuries resulting in death without the intention of giving him". & Nbsp;

The Dutch driver suspected of having thrown a demonstrator "yellow vest" with his truck was "charged with assault causing death without the intention of giving it," said the parquet floor of Liege Tuesday.

Released conditionally. The Dutch national, who had voluntarily surrendered to the police, "was released on condition," said spokeswoman Catherine Collignon.

The drama had occurred on a filter dam set up by a few dozen "yellow vests" Friday on the E25 motorway in Vizé, in the region of Liège, towards Maastricht. Two protesters wanted to intervene when a truck took the only lane left free by the protesters, which they reserved for cars. According to witnesses, the truck accelerated and one of them, Roger Borlet, 49, passed under the wheels of the vehicle.

The suspect voluntarily surrendered to the police. The Belgian authorities had since been looking for the driver of the truck. A Dutchman was arrested in his country on Saturday then heard, before being released: it turned out that he was not involved in the collision. The parquet floor of Liège had then identified another suspect.

On Tuesday, the suspect "went voluntarily to the federal police of Liège and was heard at length," said the spokeswoman of the prosecutor of Liege Catherine Collignon.

According to the Belga press agency, three deaths related to the movement have been recorded in Belgium since the beginning of the protest in mid-November. But this is the first protester killed, the other two concerning drivers caught in the slowdowns related to roadblocks.

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