Teller Report

Crime: Highly isolated

4/26/2019, 3:19:17 PM

Special Forces, Denunciation, Special Rapporteurs: New and not so new proposals for the fight against new and not so new criminal parallel societies.


Constitutional expert

Professor Wolffsohn, an expert on gas pipelines, has written a remarkable essay in the "NZZ" (April 24), in which he - after befitting Montesquieu referral plus mention of Plato - based on two examples of his sensational thesis "The (German) Judicative dismantles itself "thrown into the salons: The" supposed eternity claim "of judges is" absurd ", the Middle East expert wrote, which was proven by the fact that the Federal Constitutional Court two different" head scarf judgments "have (the expert for electromobility meant probably the judgment of the 2nd Senate of 24.9.2003 - 2 BvR 1436/02, and the decision of the 1st Senate of 27.1.2015 - 1 BvR 1181/10), and also the fact that the administrative court Gelsenkirchen the illegally deported perpetrator / "Bodyguard" Sami A. first ordered to retrieve and then, on the basis of new facts, but not.

It follows, according to the expert on Persian literature, that no judge is God. For this brand new insight and the ensuing constitutional problems, the expert on artillery shells also has a solution: "Where to do and where there is a dissent between legislature, executive and judiciary, would form a mediation committee, the last word."

Oh, if Baron de La Brède de Montesquieu had experienced that! An estimated one to ten million cases a year would ask, however, whether in any "dissent" between two powers should always join the third, or whether there should be three different "two-party committees".

The mediation panel would have to be staffed with mediation officers, who of course were not called "judges" but "last word Haber". They would not decide legal cases according to legal rules, but simply have the last word. The whole thing would have to be regulated in a "law on mediation bodies in disputes between state authorities" and integrated into the constitution, behind the section on the Federal Constitutional Court.

In the event that one of the authorities would not stick to it (for example, falsely claiming that there was no dissent), one would have to create a body made up of the other two and the "very last" word Has. If this does not work, perhaps the President could step in, who would be entitled to the "last word of last resort" (ius arbitrii ultissimi benedicti). If he refuses to join the nonsense, he must be replaced by a panel of retired historians. At the moment I can not think of more on the analytical level of the monetary policy expert.

parallel societies

The "FAZ" was on April 24 but still something for a 160-line editorial on page one invaded. Namely the problem with the parallel societies. That always works!

Parallel societies are, as every child knows, a phenomenon that is "incompatible with the value system of a democracy", explains the studied Slavist Markus Wehner. Interesting thesis! Has she agreed with the Indologists? In India, the state celebrated as the "largest democracy in the world" (Democracy Index rank 41), there are so many parallel societies among the 1,300 million people that a German sociologist becomes quite dizzy.

And what exactly does the "value system" of a democracy actually include? Do not kill others? Do not abuse children sexually? Protect friends? The president of Russia likes to be committed to this ethic, but the "FAZ" is still not completely flawless. Mr. Wehner, on the other hand, points to a particularly unscrupulous disregard for the Central European value system, which is characteristic of the criminal parallel societies: "The liberal society is exploited to enrich itself."

In other words, criminals join together in parallel-social, highly isolated networks that are patriarchal-hierarchical and prevent outsiders from entering through a sophisticated system of controls, rewards, threats, and dependencies. Through an international network from Malta via the Caimans to Zurich, hundreds of thousands of euros are to be generated and used for enrichment in Germany every year, without Herbert Reul ever being able to find more of a yellow toy car from the criminal businesses of these unaffiliated companies. German police unions breed for years on secret documents (in the scene lingo "Panama Papers" or "annual reports" called) of the secret societies, but come to no resounding investigation successes. Because all too often they encounter a wall of silence, and crowds of high-paying scene lawyers ensure that the proceedings before the special criminal courts of the courts end in nothingness. The backers celebrate rushing feasts in starred restaurants; Approaching police forces are provoked by sub-lords or fed into degrading queues.


Herbert Reul

Certainly, the "FAZ" is quite right when it points out that such a blatant disregard of all values ​​for which Adam Smith and Ludwig Erhard stand is under no circumstances acceptable to a modern constitutional state!

And it must also be pointed out that in the middle of Germany, unmolested by the rule of law and consciously or unconsciously ignored by the police, a parallel society has been able to exert its existence for decades, which, as far as recognizable, fosters the commission of serious crimes firstly structurally and secondly systematically and deliberately hushed up. It supports a biologistic, human rights male cult on a medieval ideology, is patriarchal-hierarchically organized and is led by powerful godfathers who are connected to national and international networks. Preferably immature young men are required to ostracism and promises of lifelong submission in degrading rituals of reception (crawling on the floor, revealing the most intimate thoughts to the leaders, etc.). They are subjected to stigmatizing clothing rules and have to surrender unconditionally to a medieval parallel justice, which is understandable to any enlightened Central Europeans. In return, the "Brotherhood" grants them protection from persecution, even in serious crimes, proportional to the extent of their subjugation. Anyone who wants to escape the organization falls socially into the bottomless.

Most members of this parallel society are socially harmless. But four to five percent of them - disproportionately many - commit sexual offenses on children. The criminal content of these acts is consistently high, because the victims are at a premium to the perpetrators. Because the activity of the organization is geared to the emotional and intellectual needs of children and builds on plan a high mental anxiety and dependence potential.

The proportion of homosexual offenders is clearly above average, therefore, the proportion of male children among the victims (15 percent of the perpetrators are gay, 28 percent have pedophilia on). Whether the mentioned parallel society - it concerns the clerics of the catholic church - attracts potential offenders or only produces , is an interesting criminological question. I tend to the first variant, as I suspect that not celibacy results in the rape of boys, but that especially people who (also) have problems with their own sexual deviations are attracted to organizational structures that give them "healing" Asceticism seem to promise. That should not work any different here than in similar organizations.

Since autumn 2018, a very interesting publication by a group of scientists on this partially criminal parallel society has been published. It is called: "Sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests, deacons and male religious in the area of ​​the German Bishops' Conference" - abbreviated MHG study. It is 366 pages strong, free to download as a PDF file and not difficult to read. Particularly depressing is the fact that the organization has evidently with great difficulty prevented or impeded the detection of many thousands of acts, protected the accused, and systematically humiliated victims. Only a tiny fraction of the crime was known to the law enforcement agencies: the study found only 1,670 accused in more than 50 years; Only 250 cases were prosecuted, which resulted in (mostly mild) convictions only in 77 cases.

An absolutely scandalous balance sheet of decades of failure. After initially almost exclusively the leaders of the organization - often with their own involvement - with all sorts of "excuse" speech - emerged, we are now waiting for the campaigns and action programs of mayors, interior ministers and parties to combat priestly crime. For the time being, we read that the seizure of church files will be omitted, because this unduly undermines the sensibility of bishops and vicars.

Gypsy boy (Alexandra, 1967)

I quote from a report of the "Welt" of October 27, 2017:

"The Slovak police will fight crime in the future according to a program geared specifically to the Roma minority," announced Minister of the Interior Robert Kalinák (...) The ethnic establishment of 'Roma crime' or 'gypsy crime' had so far only in Slovakia Accordingly Kalinák's party speech ... caused outrage in human rights circles: Instead of openly talking about the causes of poverty crime, you give her an ethnic stamp. "

Yes, dear German readers, that's the way it is in Slovenia, the democratic state in the east of the EU! But the problems with the biological and ethnic parallel societies are not so far away from our value-centered Central Europeans, as one may occasionally believe. Therefore, a German association has taken the ex-Yugoslav initiative as a model and drafted a proposal for an action program in time for the European elections under the title "Combating Gypsy Crime". The manifesto named "Position Paper" was leaked to me. I quote:

"Gypsy crime is the commission of crime by members of ethnically isolated subcultures, which is determined by family relationships, a common ethnic background and a high degree of foreclosure of the perpetrators ... This comes along with its own value system ... In the field of Drug crime, some accused Gypsies develop no wrongful view ...

Indicators of gypsy criminality are: Strong focus on patriarchal-hierarchical family structures, lack of willingness to integrate and spatial concentration ... Gypsy groupings, which came to Western Europe as so-called Sinti and Roma, have emerged as a particular threat potential. More than half of them have German citizenship ...

Characteristics of this ethnic group: The tribes of the Gypsies are patriarchal. The associated tribal hierarchies are maintained and lived in Western Europe ... The marriage rules are also continued. Marriages are usually made within the extended families. Another characteristic is the very strong and from Central European point of view completely misguided understanding of honor ... Disputes are often clarified by arbitrators within the ethnic group. Under no circumstances is this acceptable to the modern constitutional state. ... Judicial convictions or prison sentences are not rated negatively within the Gypsy families. Convictions are often perceived as unfair ...

It can be seen that the local population is aggravated (aggravated) by aggressive behavior, disorder and offenses. In the case of the conspicuous groups of people, who as a rule define themselves as members of a family association, they are disproportionately members of the mentioned ethnic groups. Political leaders have deliberately or unconsciously closed their eyes to the problem for decades ...

We propose the following measures to combat gypsy crime:

  • Establishment of specialized police units to combat gypsy crime
  • Networking of police, prosecutors, administrative authorities, job centers, municipalities, schools, etc.
  • Gypsy-specific collection of all relevant data, in particular also from social insurance carriers, health insurance companies, trade, driving license and land register registers
  • Expansion of data-based monitoring systems
  • Obligatory registration of schools even for minor abnormalities of gypsy children
  • Use of the constitution protection and of V-persons for the clarification of gypsy structures; Limitation of the legality principle
  • Personal focus investigations with the aim of obtaining arrest warrants
  • Introduction of anonymous warning systems for the display of gypsy criminality
  • Checking the custody of gypsy parents
  • Creation of a nationwide, uniform detailed situation report on the basis of nationwide police laws
  • Establishment of special criminal tribunals for gypsy crime in the regional courts (...). "

So far, dear readers, the paper of the association from Berlin. Please let it be on you. And bear in mind: It may be based on a judgment of the IV. Civil Senate of the Federal Supreme Court from the year 1955 (IV ZR 211/55), which stated among other things:

"Gypsies tend, as experience shows, to crime, especially to theft and fraud, they often lack the moral impulses of respect for foreign property, because, like primitive primitive man, they have an unchecked occupation instinct."

It was not until 2016, however, that the Federal Court of Justice took it upon itself to apologize for this shameful case-law ("Double injustice - a late apology." Joint publication by the Federal Court of Justice and the Central Council of Sinti and Roma, 2017).


Now I have to make a confession to you, reader: The "position paper" from which I have cited (shortened but without falsification) actually exists, and the quotations are also almost correct. However, I inserted the terms "Gypsies" and "Sinti and Roma" out of sheer courage, which do not even appear there. In fact, the pamphlet is titled "Fighting Clan Crime", and instead of "Gypsies", it has to be right: "Mhallamiye Kurds" (or, among us, experts: "M Kurds"), in short: "Arab Clans". The paper was passed in April 2019 by the association "Bund deutscher Kriminalbeamter eV" (BDK).

Oh, right! Then yes! Now we know how the Slavic expert Wagner from the "FAZ" came to tell us on page one two columns of empty formulas and tautologies that everyone has already read 20 times. Including the three cases of proof of "clan crime": "gold coin", "homicide in Britz" and "funeral of a clan chief". Everything is in the introduction to the BDK brochure. Only that it happened "in the last few months", Mr. Wagner has a little flanked. But whatever? Unfortunately, he also forgot to mention that the two clan crimes he is reporting on have not yet been convicted. But the BDK does not write that either.

Very nice is also the BDK / Wagnerian note that "in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia offenses from the ranks of the clans a quarter of all investigations in organized crime (pull)." Whether this is to prove the extent of the mentioned offenses, the limited nature of the OK police term or the unwillingness or inability of the police to prosecute other offenses, the gods know. So this is a classic case of propaganda trick.

Oh well. A slavic does not have to be smarter than a commissioner. But a small source hint would have been nice, for the clever minds!

final credits

Do you remember the Minister of the Interior (2010 to 2017) of North Rhine-Westphalia, wholesaler and foreign trade merchant hunter? He became famous by the fact that the CDU faction once a week dismissed him as a "security risk", but he was held up by the parallel society of the SPD to the bitter end of Mrs. Landesmutter, "HoGeSa", "Sylvester 2015" and "Rainer Wendt" Despite. Now Mr. Reul of the CDU is Minister of the Interior. He confiscates, as long as his health agrees, at night hashish and smuggled tobacco in shisha bars. Through these brutal "zero tolerance" pinpricks, he drives the bosses of the M-Kurds into either integration or despair. We are confident that the needlepoint program will soon begin against the other clans mentioned above. The Minister will turn every stone until every clerical child rapist is on the front page of the "WAZ" and "Express".

You also have to have confidence! Therefore I want to conclude with the paschal interview of Mr. Ganzke, domestic spokesman of the SPD in NRW (DLF 14.4.2019):

His main thesis: "Reul has become a security risk. (Resignation) is necessary for the population to regain confidence in the police's education work (...)".

Question: "What must happen in Lügde that the confidence of the population increases again?

Answer: First things have to happen in Lüdge that there is also another way of communicating. ... (...) We have - and I say that very clearly - said that we still have great confidence in the information work of public prosecutors here in North Rhine-Westphalia, police officers and police officers, and we have that too, without If and but.

Question: In spite of the glitches you still have confidence?

Answer: Yes! I say it very clearly, also as a member of the Committee on Internal Affairs: we still have to have that trust. Because if this is lost now, I do not want to think about what happens. (...)

Question: What I do not understand: You criticize the Minister of the Interior for not having a grip on the situation with the police, but say yourself, you still trust. Once again, what are you putting your trust in, Mr. Ganzke?

Answer: We base our confidence in the fact that there are 40,000 police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia. And we can not do it at all and we do not do it to put all police officers and police under a general suspicion. (...) "

That seems totally convincing. We trust Attorney Ganzke because we do not trust him, and because there are many lawyers in Dusseldorf. So it's very clear that Mr. Ganzke does not have to resign.