Teller Report

Confidence: Emmanuel Macron (+2) and Edouard Philippe (+3) go back

1/10/2019, 6:18:39 PM

Emmanuel Macron has won two confidence points, according to a latest poll noting that it is growing among the voters of Francois Fillon.

The French confidence in Emmanuel Macron (+2) and Edouard Philippe (+3) rises after four months of consecutive decline, despite the crisis of "yellow vests", according to an Elabe poll released Thursday. This is the third poll in three days to show a resurgence of popularity of the two heads of the executive.

A level still very low. With 25% of respondents trusting him to face the problems of the country, the rating of the head of state remains at a very low level and 71% (-3) do not "trust him". Consequence of the crisis? He progressed by 12 points among the voters of François Fillon in the first round of the 2017 presidential election, according to this barometer for Les Echos and Radio Classique. Emmanuel Macron lost a total of 13 confidence points in the previous four months. With 25% of positive opinions, he is at the same level as François Hollande at the same time of his mandate. The rating of the Prime Minister evolves in parallel, with 26% (+3) of French respondents who trust him and 68% (-5) of a contrary opinion.

Hulot remains at the top of the list of trusted personalities. Nicolas Hulot (52%, +4) remains at the top of the ranking of personalities whose French have a positive image, ahead of Alain Juppé (41%, +2), Jean-Yves Le Drian (32%, =) and the former president Nicolas Sarkozy (32%, +3). Xavier Bertrand wins 2 points at 31%, Bruno Le Maire wins 3 to 26% and Christophe Castaner 4 to 21%.

Survey conducted online on January 8 and 9 with 1,003 people aged 18 and over, according to the quota method. Margin of error from 1.4 to 3.1 points.