Teller Report

Citizen launches the first free Arabic network to provide social services

3/23/2019, 10:07:12 PM

"The idea started when I wanted to find out the information of Al-Murshid," said Al-Morshedi.

Citizen Qasim Al-Morshedi, known as the "Social Communication Ambassador" in the UAE, launched an electronic application called "The Network of the Guide", the first Arab network specialized in social and news services in the Arab world.

"The idea started when I wanted to provide information on deaths and places of solace to every citizen so that he could comfort his neighbors, relatives or citizens. The idea was widely shared and greatly appreciated, which encouraged me to expand the idea to include news and places of residence, information about patients, hospital treatment, and other information about births, school parties, and birthdays. , Graduation ceremonies, condolences and congratulations. "

He added: "It provided all the information and details that help citizens to communicate and cooperate among themselves to deepen the values ​​of our true religion."

The application provides citizens and residents of the UAE and the GCC with more than 35 social and news services to promote social relations among citizens across the country and deepen the values ​​of communication, synergy and compassion.

The application is a unique model and an innovative idea that includes a wide range of services that the UAE citizen can not afford throughout the day. It allows him to communicate with individuals and institutions around his life and state, and to remind him of events, holidays and events of relatives, neighbors and friends. , So that the application as a private secretary of the citizen, or his memory of iron, which do not forget and do not miss an occasion or a date.

The application services cover all the details of the social life of the user, to enable him to communicate with others, in addition to services that help him to achieve success in his social and practical relations, as well as the achievement of benefit and interest and deepen the religious and social values ​​of harmony and synergy and cohesion and the link of the uterus, called by our religion, Karim, our master Muhammad peace be upon him.

The services provided by the application around the clock in a wide range of services needed by every citizen and resident in terms of what they provide some government services for them, sites, direct broadcast, the service of your guide, and the official holidays in the Gulf Cooperation Council, currency and gold prices, and the weather, Arrivals services, match times, duty-free pharmacies, and other services.

When the service of the owners is activated, a video explaining the service to them is displayed in the sign language, and the voice messages are activated so that the blind can hear them without opening the phone. The application color changes to black and white so that people with color blindness can use it easily.

Qassem Al-Morshedi

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