Teller Report

CEC of Ukraine: more than 17 million people took part in the voting

3/31/2019, 10:02:55 PM

Chairman of the CEC of Ukraine Tatyana Slipachuk said that over 17 million people took part in the first round of the presidential elections in Ukraine, UNIAN reports.

According to her, at the polling stations, 17 million 599 voters received ballots. At the same time, Slipachuk added that 26 million 770 thousand 419 voters were included in the electoral lists.

March 31 in Ukraine was the first round of presidential elections.

According to the exit poll, showman Vladimir Zelensky is in the lead, and the current head of state, Petro Poroshenko, is leading the second round.

According to the CEC of Ukraine, voter turnout was 63.48%.