Teller Report

Case "monkey with a grenade"

1/21/2019, 7:42:46 PM

“This entire military parade gives the new European democracies of the Soviet spill a dangerous illusion. Weak ones are given an opportunity to dream up a great revenge on the Russian enslavers. And the figures who have lost touch with reality are now full not only in Europe itself, but also in its poor suburbs. The last vivid example - journalist Vakhur Koorits called for the deployment of missiles on the territory of his country capable of hitting St. Petersburg, as well as purchasing military ships to prevent the Russian merchant fleet.

There is a popular expression "monkey with a grenade." And that's the thing: more and more often it is surprisingly relevant in the international, and not at all in everyday life and not on the roads.

It is enough to look at the informational tape: everything that concerns Europe and the military, and you will be horrified by the smashing accuracy of popular expression. Here are Spanish military pilots from the NATO contingent made an occasional launch of a rocket over the territory of Estonia.

The local prime minister did not find anything better than telling his people to “not look for a rocket”, immediately bowing to the mighty NATO: the NATO air security mission is “very important for ensuring Estonian security.” Well, yes, well, yes - there have long been waiting for either Russian tanks, or Russian missiles, or Russian Tatar-Mongol horsemen, and for some reason a Spanish rocket arrives. Paradox? Well no. The more weapons in the country, the greater the likelihood of all unauthorized launches, random shots, unexpected blasts. We understand that Russia is to blame, of course, because suddenly it surreptitiously rapidly approached the borders of NATO - perfidiously and, maybe, even at four in the morning.

Or, for example, great news about how a gender-adjusted team of female navigator girls of the frigate Helge Ingstad, supervised by an American instructor, drove into a tanker Sola in clear weather. Cause? “Suddenly dense traffic was observed in the accident area.” Yes, you sho! And in my opinion, the apothecary clean case of a monkey with a grenade, and it is clear that the gender of the navigators has nothing to do with it. As well as the malignant Russians, who defeated the GPS system in a single water area of ​​the NATO country, have nothing to do with it. But the first thing the NATO military began to do was to nod in the direction of the Russians. By the way, it didn’t go away: the debriefing showed amazing unprofessionalism of navigators. Or navigators - as anyone.

Just once again let's talk about that, when military equipment becomes more than necessary, in those places where it has never been born, the chance for a very serious mistake with far-reaching consequences increases dramatically.

Or how about this: “A reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force, flying near Kaliningrad, was forced into the airspace of Sweden due to the approach of Russian fighters. The maneuver was carried out without prior notice to the Swedish authorities. ” Is it true that the Russians are to blame for the fact that the American intelligence officer is hanging around Kaliningrad?

And is it not far from Washington, dear? But these amazing gestures of NATO towards the Baltic countries? This is exactly what it is - filling the region with military equipment and a contingent. We have already heard about training and professional skills, thank you.

And it's not a drunken Norwegian on the button. The point is completely different. This entire military parade is quite dangerous from the other side. He gives the new European democracies of the Soviet spill a dangerous illusion. Weak ones are given an opportunity to dream up a great revenge on the Russian enslavers. And the figures who have lost touch with reality are now full not only in Europe itself, but also in its poor suburbs. At the sound of a bravura march, the remnants of common sense finally leave their frail brains. The last vivid example - journalist Vakhur Koorits called for the deployment on the territory of his country of missiles capable of hitting St. Petersburg, as well as purchasing warships to prevent the Russian merchant fleet.

Of course, I understand that social networks have relaxed the authors and they have finally stopped following the speech, but still: how does a young journalist imagine the process of creating interference with the Russian merchant fleet? Is it something like Somalia? Of course, some still have some colonial complexes, but it is not necessary to declare publicly about them - you are not on the couch at the psychotherapist. Well, tekstik about rockets to St. Petersburg too happy. The fact that the idiot in the language, apparently, the local politicians in mind. But that means just such politicians. To transfer your country from the category of "the former Soviet Europe with coffee and buns" to the category of a retaliatory strike — this should not be just a provocateur. You have to be crazy. And this already means a transition from simple sessions with a psychotherapist to harsh neuroleptic treatment by psychiatrists in the hospital. And here we understand that the expression "monkey with a grenade" began to play with new bright psychedelic colors.

“The journalist, most likely, needs to be checked from a medical point of view, if he has everything in order ... He must also consider whether he can fulfill his functional duties,” explained State Duma deputy Krasov. According to the deputy, it is not surprising that a number of countries demonstrate "manic ideas" about the deployment of weapons. It's hard not to agree.

And why? Because NATO, by its actions and its rhetoric, just throws firewood into the stove of the burning minds of the “small countries”, which still cannot calm down and engage in the independent construction of a developed and wealthy society. It does not work. I have a tip: look at the Occupation type TV series less, but it can turn out like with the former US Secretary of Defense Forrestal, who jumped out of the window with a cry: Russians are coming!

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.

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