Teller Report

Calls for sit-ins in 23 fields in Khartoum

1/26/2019, 2:56:16 PM

A group of Sudanese professionals and three opposition coalitions on Saturday called on Sudanese citizens to hold sit-ins in 23 fields in Khartoum on Sunday evening.

The independent assembly, which includes doctors, journalists, engineers, teachers and university professors, said in a statement yesterday that the sit-ins begin tomorrow at 3 pm local time, 1 pm GMT.

In the city of Khartoum, the group identified six areas of sit-in in a number of neighborhoods, including a field in Berri district east of the capital.

It also identified seven areas of sit-in in the city of Omdurman west of Khartoum, including the field of the Ansar sect, the largest religious denominations in the country, led by the head of the opposition Umma Party Sadiq al-Mahdi, and identified four fields in Khartoum and the same in the eastern province of Khartoum.

The gathering of professionals has organized four marches in central Khartoum since the protests erupted on Dec. 19 to hand over a memorandum to the presidential palace demanding the resignation of President Omar al-Bashir, who has been in power since 1989.

On Friday, protests against the deterioration of economic conditions and the demand for the president's resignation were renewed in a number of neighborhoods in Khartoum and other cities.

During the protests, 30 people died, according to the latest government census, while Amnesty International says 40 people were killed.