Teller Report

Britain calls on the military council to avoid the forcible sit-in of Khartoum

4/15/2019, 4:54:32 PM

Britain called on the transitional military council in Sudan not to resort to violence or try to break the sit-in in front of the headquarters of the General Command of the army by force.

The British ambassador to Khartoum, Irfan Siddiq, said in a series of tweets on Twitter that he met today with Deputy Chairman of the Transitional Military Council, Mohamed Hamdan Hamidati, "not to support or give legitimacy but to emphasize the steps that the UK wants to take to improve the situation in Sudan "He said.

He said he called on the council to quickly form a civilian transitional government through a transparent, credible and comprehensive process.

The Sudanese military official also called for the immediate reform of the security apparatus, without any arrest authorities, the release of all detainees and the abolition of all bureaucratic procedures and permits to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance.

The British diplomat revealed that he had asked the transitional council for clarification on the whereabouts of ousted president Omar al-Bashir and other senior figures in the former regime.

He also expressed concerns about the historic role of the rapid support forces and called for addressing the allegations of violations and crimes in order to build trust between all parties.

In his first official activity .. Hamidati met yesterday with the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Khartoum Stephen Kotsis (networking sites)

Previous meeting
It is noteworthy that the Vice President of the Military Council had also met yesterday - in his first official activity since he took charge - Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Khartoum, Stephen Kotsis.

The media office in the presidential palace said that Hamidati briefed the American diplomat on the conditions, developments and reasons that led to the formation of the Transitional Military Council, and the steps taken by the Council to maintain security and stability.

During the meeting, Kotsis welcomed the role of the military council in achieving stability, stressing the need for continued cooperation between the two sides in a way that enhances joint relations.